1. Paragonimus westermani是一种肺吸虫,可以感染猪、狗和人类。
(Paragonimus westermani is a lung fluke that can infect pigs, dogs, and humans.)
2. 这个地区很多人都感染了肺吸虫,其中包括Paragonimus westermani。
(Many people in this region are infected with lung flukes, including Paragonimus westermani.)
3. 在动物实验中,Paragonimus kellicotti可能会导致严重的肺部疾病。
(In animal experiments, Paragonimus kellicotti can cause serious lung disease.)
4. 这种肺吸虫会在人体内产生卵,然后通过咳嗽或吞咽痰液释放到外界,Paragonimus miyazakii也不例外。
(This lung fluke will produce eggs in the human body, which are then released to the outside world through coughing or swallowing sputum. Paragonimus miyazakii is no exception.)
5. 研究表明,Paragonimus caliensis可能是一种新的肺吸虫物种。
(Research suggests that Paragonimus caliensis may be a new species of lung fluke.)
6. Paragonimus mexicanus已在墨西哥和其他国家的多个地区发现。
(Paragonimus mexicanus has been found in multiple regions of Mexico and other countries.)
7. 如果不及时治疗,Paragonimus uterobilateralis可能会导致严重的呼吸道问题。
(If left untreated, Paragonimus uterobilateralis can cause serious respiratory problems.)
8. 最常见的感染途径是摄入感染了Paragonimus skrjabini的蟹肉。
(The most common route of infection is by ingesting crab meat infected with Paragonimus skrjabini.)
9. 这种肺吸虫的诊断可以通过痰液检查或血液检测进行,例如Paragonimus westermani。
(Diagnosis of this lung fluke can be done through sputum examination or blood tests, such as Paragonimus westermani.)