1. Xanthichthys auromarginatus是一种著名的黄鱼品种,它拥有鲜亮的黄色尾鳍。
(英文:Xanthichthys auromarginatus is a well-known species of yellow fish, which has a bright yellow tail fin.)
2. 在珊瑚礁区域,你可以看到许多Xanthichthys属的黄鱼游动。
(英文:In coral reef areas, you can see many yellow fish of the Xanthichthys genus swimming.)
3. 黄尾魔鬼鱼(Xanthichthys mento)是一种异域风情的海洋生物。
(英文:Yellowtail damselfish (Xanthichthys mento) is an exotic marine creature.)
4. 由于其凶猛而受欢迎,Xanthichthys属的黄鱼在热带珊瑚鱼爱好者中很受欢迎。
(英文:Due to their ferocity and popularity, yellow fish of the Xanthichthys genus are very popular among tropical fish enthusiasts.)
5. Xanthichthys属的一些鱼种可以达到30厘米的长度。
(英文:Some species of the Xanthichthys genus can reach a length of 30 centimeters.)
6. 据说黄尾魔鬼鱼(Xanthichthys mento)在珊瑚礁区域中会防卫自己的领地。
(英文:Yellowtail damselfish (Xanthichthys mento) is said to defend its territory in coral reef areas.)
7. 在拍摄海洋生物的照片时,Xanthichthys属的黄鱼是一个非常受欢迎的主题。
(英文:When taking pictures of marine life, yellow fish of the Xanthichthys genus are a very popular subject.)
8. Xanthichthys属的黄鱼在水族馆展示中也很受欢迎。
(英文:Yellow fish of the Xanthichthys genus are also popular in aquarium displays.)
9. 黄尾魔鬼鱼(Xanthichthys mento)在繁殖季节中可能会在珊瑚礁上刻出自己的领地。
(英文:Yellowtail damselfish (Xanthichthys mento) may carve out its territory on coral reefs during breeding season.)