'Ascochyta pinodella'是拉丁语,指的是一种豌豆黑斑病菌,也称为豌豆斑点病菌。它是影响豌豆生长的一种真菌病原体,可以导致豌豆根部和茎部的病变。在豌豆生产中,这种病原体是一个常见的病害,会导致豌豆产量下降,因此需要采取相应的防治措施。
以下是9个使用'Ascochyta pinodella'的例句:
1. Ascochyta pinodella是导致豌豆生长受阻的重要原因之一。
(Ascochyta pinodella is one of the major causes of stunted growth in peas.)
2. 豌豆斑点病的发生率在寒冷的气候条件下更高,因为Ascochyta pinodella喜欢低温环境。
(The incidence of pea spot disease is higher under cold climate conditions because Ascochyta pinodella prefers low temperatures.)
3. 豌豆生长期间,应该及早采取防治措施来避免Ascochyta pinodella对豌豆的危害。
(Preventive measures should be taken early in the pea growing season to avoid the damage caused by Ascochyta pinodella.)
4. Ascochyta pinodella会导致豌豆茎部变黑且松软,从而影响豌豆的生长。
(Ascochyta pinodella can cause the stems of peas to turn black and become soft, which affects the growth of the peas.)
5. 运用化学手段喷洒药剂可以有效控制Ascochyta pinodella的繁殖。
(Spraying chemicals can effectively control the proliferation of Ascochyta pinodella.)
6. 豌豆生长期间,应该及时检查,如果发现病情,应该采取措施遏制Ascochyta pinodella的扩散。
(Peas should be inspected regularly during the growing season and measures should be taken to contain the spread of Ascochyta pinodella if the disease is detected.)
7. 在豌豆生产中,对Ascochyta pinodella的预防和防治是非常重要的。
(Prevention and control of Ascochyta pinodella is critical in pea production.)
8. 随着气候变暖,Ascochyta pinodella的繁殖速度可能会加快,因此需要加强防范。
(With climate change, the proliferation of Ascochyta pinodella may accelerate, so stronger preventive measures are needed.)
9. 在豌豆茎部和根部感染Ascochyta pinodella后,应该采取有效措施遏制它的繁殖。
(Effective measures should be taken to contain the proliferation of Ascochyta pinodella after infection of the stems and roots of peas.)