1. Enron's collapse in 2001 was one of the biggest accounting scandals in American history.(xx年,安然公司破产倒闭是美国历史上最大的会计丑闻之一。)
2. Enron used to be one of the largest energy companies in the world.(安然公司曾经是世界上最大的能源公司之一。)
3. Enron's former CEO, Jeff Skilling, was sentenced to 24 years in prison.(安然公司前CEO杰夫·斯基林被判处xx年监禁。)
4. Enron's collapse had a ripple effect on the financial markets around the world.(安然公司破产倒闭对世界各地的金融市场产生了连锁反应。)
5. Enron's fraudulent accounting practices were exposed by a series of investigative reports.(一系列调查报告揭露了安然公司的欺诈会计实践。)
6. Enron's top executives were accused of insider trading and securities fraud.(安然公司高管被指控内幕交易和证券欺诈。)
7. Enron's downfall was caused by a culture of greed and unethical behavior.(安然公司的崩溃是由于贪婪和不道德行为的文化所致。)
8. Enron's collapse led to the creation of new regulations and oversight agencies.(安然公司破产倒闭导致新的监管机构和监管规定的产生。)
9. Enron's scandal was a wake-up call for investors and regulators around the world.(安然公司的丑闻对全球的投资者和监管机构是一次警钟。)