1. Acris是一种小型的蛙类动物,身体通常只有数厘米。
Acris is a small frog species, usually only a few centimeters in length.
2. 在美国东部,Acris crepitans是一种常见的蛙类动物,又称为砾蛙。
In the eastern United States, Acris crepitans is a common frog species, also known as the cricket frog.
3. Acris blanchardi是一种特殊的蛙类,分布在美国中西部。
Acris blanchardi is a unique frog species found in the central and western United States.
4. 这种Acris的鸣叫声可以听到几百米外。
The call of this Acris species can be heard from several hundred meters away.
5. Acris gryllus通常被称为豆田蛙,因为它们常出没在豆田里。
Acris gryllus is commonly known as the southern cricket frog because they are often found in soybean fields.
6. 在春季,Acris是林地中最活跃的动物之一。
In the spring, Acris is one of the most active animals in wooded areas.
7. 由于污染和栖息地破坏,许多Acris种群正在下降。
Due to pollution and habitat destruction, many Acris populations are declining.
8. 研究表明,Acris的肤色和斑点模式对其环境有很强的适应性。
Studies have shown that Acris skin color and spotting patterns are highly adaptive to their environment.
9. Acris的繁殖周期与气温、降雨量等环境条件密切相关。
The breeding cycle of Acris is closely related to environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, etc.