'siameses' 不是一个国家的语言,而是单数形式的 "Siamese" 的复数形式。Siamese是泰国的一个名族,也是一种猫的品种。所以 'siameses' 的常见翻译就是“暹罗猫”。
以下是含有 'siameses' 的9个例句:
1. The Siameses in the temple were bred to be worshiped. (寺庙里的暹罗猫被饲养以供奉。)
2. She has two Siameses and a Persian cat. (她有两只暹罗猫和一只波斯猫。)
3. Siameses are known for their distinctive blue eyes. (暹罗猫以其独特的蓝色眼睛而闻名。)
4. The Siameses were peeking out from under the bed. (暹罗猫从床底下窥视出来。)
5. Our Siameses are very vocal and love attention. (我们的暹罗猫非常喜欢大声喊叫,喜欢被关注。)
6. Siameses are intelligent and affectionate pets. (暹罗猫是聪明而充满爱心的宠物。)
7. She had a litter of four Siamese kittens. (她生了四只暹罗猫小猫。)
8. The Siameses are graceful and elegant cats. (暹罗猫是优美而优雅的猫。)
9. The Siameses were originally bred in Thailand. (暹罗猫最初是在泰国繁殖的。)