1. Temnospondyli是在史前时期生存过的四足动物。(中文翻译:Temnospondyli were four-legged animals that lived in prehistoric times.)
2. 这个化石是一只属于Temnospondyli的古代两栖动物。(中文翻译:This fossil is an ancient amphibian belonging to Temnospondyli.)
3. 学术界对Temnospondyli的分类一直存有争议。(中文翻译:The classification of Temnospondyli has always been controversial in the academic community.)
4. Temnospondyli是脊椎动物中最早出现的两栖动物之一。(中文翻译:Temnospondyli are one of the earliest amphibians to appear in vertebrates.)
5. 这只叫做Eryops的Temnospondyli属于二叠纪晚期。(中文翻译:The Temnospondyli named Eryops belonged to the late Permian period.)
6. Temnospondyli的化石可以在世界各地的岩石层中找到。(中文翻译:The fossils of Temnospondyli can be found in rock layers all over the world.)
7. 在生存时期,Temnospondyli的体型可以达到数米长。(中文翻译:During their lifetime, Temnospondyli could reach lengths of several meters.)
8. 其他古生物学家认为Temnospondyli和现代两栖动物有着很大的联系。(中文翻译:Other paleontologists believe that Temnospondyli are closely related to modern amphibians.)
9. 到目前为止,我们对Temnospondyli的生态系统还知之甚少。(中文翻译:So far, we know very little about the ecosystem of Temnospondyli.)