1. Estrona在女性身体内发挥着许多重要的生理作用,如促进骨骼健康和维持生殖健康。
(英语:Estrone plays many important physiological roles in the female body, such as promoting bone health and maintaining reproductive health.)
2. 高水平的Estrone与乳腺癌风险的增加有关。
(英语:High levels of estrone are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.)
3. 更年期妇女可能通过使用Estrone作为治疗手段来缓解更年期症状。
(英语:Menopausal women may alleviate menopausal symptoms by using estrone as a treatment.)
4. Estrone是一种与雌激素类似的激素。
(英语:Estrone is a hormone similar to estrogen.)
5. Estrone是一种口服药物,可减少绝经后女性骨折的风险。
(英语:Estrone is an oral medication that can reduce the risk of fractures in postmenopausal women.)
6. Estrone可通过减少卵巢或肾上腺分泌来治疗一些妇科问题。
(英语:Estrone can be used to treat some gynecological problems by reducing ovarian or adrenal secretion.)
7. Estrone可以用于监测卵巢功能和预测女性生育能力。
(英语:Estrone can be used to monitor ovarian function and predict female fertility.)
8. Estrone是一种天然雌激素,可通过食物或药物摄入。
(英语:Estrone is a natural estrogen that can be ingested through food or medication.)
9. Estrone水平在女性经期期间会变化。
(英语:Estrone levels fluctuate during a woman's menstrual cycle.)