1. The Pteranodon had a wingspan of over 30 feet.(翼手龙的翼展超过30英尺。)
2. The Pteranodon lived in the late Cretaceous period.(翼手龙生活在晚白垩纪。)
3. Paleontologists have found many fossils of Pteranodons.(古生物学家已经发现了许多翼手龙的化石。)
4. Pteranodon had no teeth and swallowed fish whole.(翼手龙没有牙齿,会整条吞下鱼。)
5. The crest on the Pteranodon's head was used for display and courtship.(翼手龙头部的冠状骨是用于展示和求偶的。)
6. Pteranodon is often depicted in movies and TV shows about dinosaurs.(翼手龙经常出现在关于恐龙的电影和电视节目中。)
7. Some scientists believe that Pteranodon could fly for long distances without flapping its wings.(一些科学家认为翼手龙可以在不拍打翅膀的情况下飞行长距离。)
8. Pteranodon was first discovered in Kansas in 1870.(翼手龙最初是在xx年在堪萨斯州被发现的。)
9. The Pteranodon was not a dinosaur, but a type of flying reptile.(翼手龙不是恐龙,而是一种飞行爬行动物。)