Attagenus是什么意思 Attagenus的读音、翻译、用法

Attagenus是什么意思 Attagenus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Attagenus是一种经常在家里活动的害虫,尤其是在地毯下。

(Attagenus is a pest that often frequents homes, especially under carpets.)

2. 我们发现了一只小黑甲虫,它很有可能是Attagenus属的。

(We found a small black beetle that is likely to be of the genus Attagenus.)

3. 这个房间里有Attagenus寄生,所以我们需要清理它。

(This room has an infestation of Attagenus, so we need to clean it up.)

4. Attagenus属的昆虫在寻找食物时会爬上墙壁和家具。

(Attagenus beetles climb walls and furniture when searching for food.)

5. 这些Attagenus会啃食你的衣服和书籍,所以要保持清洁。

(These Attagenus beetles will gnaw on your clothes and books, so it's important to keep things clean.)

6. 你可以使用杀虫剂来消灭Attagenus寄生,但最好使用环保的杀虫剂。

(You can use insecticide to get rid of an Attagenus infestation, but it's best to use environmentally friendly ones.)

7. Attagenus有一种独特的味道,会引来其他的害虫。

(Attagenus has a distinct odor that attracts other pests.)

8. 我们需要检查这些衣服,看看是否有Attagenus在上面啃食。

(We need to check these clothes for any signs of Attagenus damage.)

9. Attagenus被认为是一种害虫,因为它们会破坏我们的家具和衣物。

(Attagenus is considered a pest because they can damage our furniture and clothes.)

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