'abductor' 是英语单词,中文翻译为“绑架者”、“劫持者”。它的常见用法是指绑架他人的行为或者指肌肉的一种作用,即向外侧运动某个身体部位。以下是9个含有‘abductor’的例句。
1. The abductors demanded a ransom for the release of the hostages.(绑架者要求赎金以释放人质。)
2. He was abducted by a group of unknown men last night.(他昨天晚上被一群陌生人绑架了。)
3. The abductor threatened to kill the victim if the police were involved.(绑架者威胁说如果警方介入就杀掉受害者。)
4. She suffered a severe abductor strain during the dance performance. (她在舞蹈表演中遭受了严重的外展肌绞伤。)
5. The abductor muscles of the leg are responsible for moving it away from the body.(腿的外展肌肉负责将其远离身体。)
6. The police are still searching for the abductor who took the child from the park.(警方仍在寻找将孩子从公园中带走的绑架者。)
7. The abductor was caught on CCTV footage leaving the scene of the crime.(绑架者被拍到在犯罪现场离开的闭路电视录像中。)
8. The abductor held a knife to the victim's neck and forced him into the car.(绑架者拿刀架在受害者的脖子上,迫使他上车。)
9. The girl was found safe and unharmed after being abducted for three days.(女孩被绑架三天后被找到,平安无事。)