'Marmota flaviventris'是拉丁语,意为黄腹土拨鼠。它是一种北美洲西部常见的啮齿动物,体形较大,体重可达4-5kg,在野外生活中主要以植物为食,有时也会捕食昆虫和小型哺乳动物。
1. The Marmota flaviventris is a common sight in the Rocky Mountains.(黄腹土拨鼠在落基山脉很常见。)
2. Marmota flaviventris hibernate for up to eight months of the year.(黄腹土拨鼠可冬眠长达八个月。)
3. Marmota flaviventris are known for their distinctive whistles.(黄腹土拨鼠因其独特的哨声而闻名。)
4. Marmota flaviventris are an important part of the food chain in their ecosystem.(黄腹土拨鼠是其生态系统中重要的食物链成员。)
5. Marmota flaviventris are also known as yellow-bellied marmots.(黄腹土拨鼠也被称为黄腹旱獭。)
6. Marmota flaviventris are active during the day and rest in their burrows at night.(黄腹土拨鼠在白天活动,在晚上则休息在它们的洞穴里。)
7. Marmota flaviventris can be found at elevations up to 4,500 meters.(黄腹土拨鼠可以在高达4500米的海拔上被发现。)
8. Marmota flaviventris have thick fur to keep them warm during the cold winter months.(黄腹土拨鼠有厚实的毛皮,在寒冷的冬季可以保持身体的温暖。)
9. Marmota flaviventris are often preyed upon by coyotes and eagles.(黄腹土拨鼠经常被豺狼和老鹰捕食。)