1. 'Lawton'是美国一个城市的名字,位于俄克拉荷马州中部。翻译为"劳顿"。
2. Lawton市拥有着美丽的自然风光,是一个旅游胜地。(翻译:Lawton City has beautiful natural scenery and is a tourist destination.)
3. 我们计划下个月去劳顿市旅游。(翻译:We plan to travel to Lawton City next month.)
4. 出于工作需要,我要前往劳顿出差。(翻译:For work purposes, I need to go on a business trip to Lawton.)
5. 我的朋友在劳顿市开了一家小店,生意很不错。(翻译:My friend has opened a small shop in Lawton City, and business is very good.)
6. 劳顿市政府正在积极推动城市的经济发展。(翻译:The Lawton City government is actively promoting the city's economic development.)
7. 我们在劳顿市度过了一个美好的周末。(翻译:We had a wonderful weekend in Lawton City.)
8. 劳顿市的人民非常友好,给了我们很多帮助。(翻译:The people of Lawton City are very friendly and gave us a lot of help.)
9. 我们在劳顿市参观了城市博物馆,了解了当地历史文化。(翻译:We visited the city museum in Lawton City and learned about the local history and culture.)