normogram是什么意思 normogram的中文翻译、读音、例句

normogram是什么意思 normogram的中文翻译、读音、例句

normogram 是一个合成词,由两个词根“normo-”和“-gram”组成。normo-表示正常、标准,-gram表示图表、记录等。因此,normogram的基本意思就是标准图表、标准记录。






1. 该公司制定了一个 normogram,以便确保每个员工都理解并遵守公司的政策。 (The company has created a normogram to ensure that every employee understands and follows the company's policies.)

2. 该产品的 normogram 显示了它的生产成本、售价和利润率。 (The normogram of the product displays its production cost, selling price, and profit margin.)

3. 该课程的 normogram 记录了每个学生的考试成绩和出勤情况。 (The normogram of the course records the exam scores and attendance of each student.)

4. 这份报告中的 normogram 展示了全球温室气体排放的趋势。 (The normogram in this report shows the trend of global greenhouse gas emissions.)

5. 获取有效的 normogram 可以帮助企业提高业务效率和生产能力。 (Obtaining effective normograms can help businesses improve their operational efficiency and production capacity.)

6. 这个医疗机构的 normogram 包括了病人的诊断、治疗方案和医疗费用。 (The normogram of this medical institution includes the patient's diagnosis, treatment plan, and medical expenses.)

7. 该组织开发了一个 normogram 评估工具,以衡量员工的表现和绩效。 (The organization has developed a normogram assessment tool to measure the performance and productivity of employees.)




例句:This dissertation studies the perturbation of eventually norm-continuous semigroups. (本文对最终范数连续半群的扰动进行比较系统的总结和研究。)


例句:The operator norm of "T" is the essential supremum of "h". (“ T ”的操作规范是“ h ”的本质上确界。)


1. Norm, did you get any prints off Dressler's bag? (翻译:诺姆,在德雷斯 勒的皮包上 有没有发现其他指纹?)

2. Steve, you're stigmatizing. It's a perfectly norm... (翻译:史蒂夫 你这是血口喷人 那是非常正...)

3. Because if the teacher phenomenon becomes a norm, it will encourage hierarchy and discourage ownership. (翻译:因为如果这个 “老师现象” 变成了一个惯例, 它会鼓励阶层制度的蔓延, 阻碍主人翁精神。)

4. Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL. (翻译:强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。)

5. However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. (翻译:但是,没有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因为这似乎是惯例。)

6. Seems like it's just you and me left now, Norm, huh? (翻译:好像这只是 你和我现在离开了, 规范,是吧?)

7. For millions of drivers in many parts of Africa, this is the norm. (翻译:这其实对几百万非洲车主来说, 最平常不过了。)

8. To answer that, you first need to calculate the norm of your quaternion. (翻译:答案在这,你首先需要计算你的四元数的平均值。)

9. Absurd. But I had to follow the Victorian norm. (翻译:太荒唐了。不得不遵循维多利亚时代的标准。)

10. Non-smoking is now the norm in most workplaces. (翻译:大多数工作场所现在都已禁止吸烟。)

11. Norm gray relational grade (NGRG) is put forward based on the conception of norm, and its properties are discussed. (翻译:基于范数概念,给出了范数灰关联度及其性质。)

12. It's time for accountability to become the norm after gender violence. (翻译:性别暴力之后,现在是 把追究责任正常化的时候了。)

13. Gender inequity is the norm in the majority of professions, even in global health. (翻译:在多数职业中, 性别不平等已成为常态, 即使是在全球卫生领域中。)

14. So if the returns are the same or better and the planet benefits, wouldn't this be the norm? (翻译:如果效益相同或更好, 而我们的星球还能受益, )

15. And this has become such a norm of our professional lives, such a norm and such an expectation. (翻译:这已成为我们职业生涯规范, 类似这样的规范,这样的期望。)

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