northern leaf blight是什么意思 northern leaf blight的中文翻译、读音、例句

northern leaf blight是什么意思 northern leaf blight的中文翻译、读音、例句

northern leaf blight通常被翻译为"亦称作"的意思,作为名词时有"植物病理学玉米叶烧病"的意思,发音音标为[northernleafblight],northern leaf blight是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到86个与northern leaf blight相关的例句。

Northern leaf blight的词典翻译


例句:Chevrolet and Nissan are warranting the batteries in the Volt and Leaf, respectively, for eight years and up to 100, 000 miles of use. (雪佛兰和日产分别对Volt和Leaf承担了电池保修,Volt电池保xx年,Leaf电池保10万英里。)


例句:There's a block in downtown Oakland that's covered in blight. (在奥克兰市中心有一个街区 环境相当恶劣。)


northern leaf blight一般作为名词使用,如在leaf blight(叶枯病; 大斑病)、early leaf blight(早期叶枯病)、leaf roll blight([植保] 卷叶枯病)等常见短语中出现较多。

leaf blight叶枯病; 大斑病
early leaf blight早期叶枯病
leaf roll blight[植保] 卷叶枯病
phytophthora leaf blight季风性落叶病
early blight早枯萎病;早疫病
elm blight= Dutch elm disease
fire blight火疫病
frictional blight[网络] 摩擦性枯萎
gray blight灰疫病


1. - U.S. Attorney for the Northern District. (翻译:U. S. Attorney for the northern district.)

2. Does everyone in Northern Virginia have a security clearance? (翻译:北弗吉尼亚人人都有安全权限吗 Does everyone in Northern Virginia have a security clearance?)

3. You have five northern children. (翻译:你生育了五个北境的孩子. You have five northern children.)

4. Relationship between Floation and Sink of Sclerotia of Rice Sheath Blight Fungus and Their Ultramicro Structure (翻译:水稻纹枯病菌核的浮沉特性与超微结构的关系研究)

5. Once such a blight on our city and now will be reclaimed for the storage of robotic workers. (翻译:曾是本市的荒废区 现在 我们将利用它存放机器人)

6. You touch the leaf with its flame. (翻译:你在秋天抚摸红叶 You touch the leaf with its flame.)

7. Study on Physiological Form of Corn Leaf Blight in Centra and Southern Areas of Heilongjiang Province (翻译:黑龙江省中南部地区玉米大斑病菌生理小种变异的研究)

8. Frowncide was also used to control sclerotium blight in field. (翻译:另外还在田间进行了氟啶胺对茉莉白绢病的防治试验。)

9. But in the end every leaf falls and dies alone. (翻译:. Very inspiring! every leaf falls and dies alone.)

10. After test driving a Nissan Leaf, customers have their picture taken nextto the new electric car. (翻译:试驾尼桑Leaf汽车后,客户与驾驶的新电动车合影。)

11. The gray leaf spot(GLS) is a significant leaf disease in maize. (翻译:玉米灰斑病是严重威胁玉米生产的叶部病害。)

12. Characters used previously, for example dried leaf color, leaf shininess, leaf base shape, and style length, are not reliable. (翻译:以前使用的特征,例如干燥时叶颜色,叶发光,叶基部形状,和花柱长度的,不可靠。)

13. Damping off, alternaria leaf spot and ball blight also can cause serious damage to cotton in some years. (翻译:某些年份,立枯病、黑斑病和铃疫病也能引起较大的损失。)

14. the battlefields and cemeteries of northern France and Flanders (翻译:of northern France and Flanders修饰battlefields和cemeteries )

15. We need a fig leaf of respectability. (翻译:我们需要一些重要页面 We need a fig leaf of respectability. - 给我些什么 - 好,这个视频是)

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