nourice是什么意思 nourice的中文翻译、读音、例句

nourice是什么意思 nourice的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Often in America "the church is the village," says Stephen Klineberg, a sociologist at Rice University in Houston. (往往在美国,“教堂就是村子”,休斯敦rice大学的社会学者Stephen Klineberg如是说。)


1. You can't buy it even if you have money. (翻译:这饭怎么这样 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The rice is weird)

2. Do you perfer plain boiled rice or fried rice? (翻译:你喜欢吃白米饭还是炒饭。)

3. Sarah Lind and Alex Rice... my best friends from college. (翻译:Sarah Lind 和Alex Rice... 大学里认识的好朋友)

4. Oh, we ran out of Rice Dream. (翻译:家里没有米布丁了 - Oh, we ran out of Rice Dream.)

5. This rice contains a complete nutritional profile. (翻译:一粒大米包含了人体所需的 This rice contains a complete nutritional profile.)

6. Rice farmers work hard 88 times to make rice! (翻译:米是农民辛辛苦苦 经过八十八道手续碾制的呢)

7. Doctor, you might wanna call the rice paddy now. (翻译:医生,可能生了 Doctor, you might wanna call the rice paddy now.)

8. With a little more research, this rice... could feed the entire world. (翻译:With a little more research, this rice... 就可以养活全世界 could feed the entire world.)

9. Rice Krispies has sugar in it. (翻译:rice krispies里面含有糖份。)

10. Minister, suppose we designed a different rice pudding? (翻译:大臣 要是我们设计一种新的米饭布丁呢? Minister, suppose we designed a different rice pudding?)

11. Which Chelsea player magically curled the ball in from the by-line to score against Barcelona in the Nou Camp this season? (翻译:哪一位切尔西球员,在这个赛季于纽坎普对阵巴塞罗那一仗中,从底线打门弯进球门得分?)

12. The green rice caterpillar(Naranga aenescens Moore)is one of the common rice pests. (翻译:双带夜蛾是水稻常见的害虫之一。)

13. We want to buy Rice, Parboiled Rice, Hygienic Products, Bedsheets , Towels and Blanckets Rice. (翻译:我们要采购大米,煮半熟大米,保健的产品,床单,手巾。)

14. She will not have it in a rice paddy. (翻译:她不会在稻田里生的 她是在稻田里锻炼 She will not have it in a rice paddy.)

15. The operative treatment can be considered on the principle of appearance of complication or failure of nou-operative treatment. (翻译:其手术治疗的原则是在出现并发症或非手术治疗无效的情况下方可考虑。)

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