nunis是什么意思 nunis的中文翻译、读音、例句

nunis是什么意思 nunis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And your sons are not better: One is a nun, the second a beer barrel. (你的儿子也好不到哪儿去 两个懦夫,一个修道士,一个牧人。)

例句:Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun. (属以法莲支派的有嫩的儿子何希阿。)


1. We can mate like angry weasels while an elderly nun watches. (翻译:我知道,被一个有经验的 成熟男人吸引...)

2. The nun? Or are you talking about the mother? (翻译:还是你在说那个妈妈 太精彩了,谁还会关心配角)

3. Makes me wish I'd worn my nun costume. (翻译:ﻳﺠﻌﻠﻨﻲ اﺗﻤﻨﻰ اﻥ اﻟﺒﺲ زﻱ اﻟﺮاﻫﺒﺔ)

4. Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun. (翻译:属以法莲支派的有嫩的儿子何希阿。)

5. My brother saw one mad nun and thinks the devil is at large in Florence. (翻译:我弟弟看到一个疯修女 就以为恶魔在佛罗伦萨里肆意作恶了)

6. You know, I never was a wife or a nun, or a prostitute even, really, not really. (翻译:我从来就不是一个妻子,修女。或是一个妓女,不是真的是。)

7. Nun ist alles in Ordnung. (翻译:现在一切都整理好了。)

8. Now, as novices, you will be devoting the next year... to the real formation of a nun. (翻译:现在,作为初学生接下来这xx年, 各位将全力 接受养成训练,成为真正的修女)

9. Prospect said there's a nun over the Tity Fucker right now. (翻译:听说Tity Fucker那里突然冒出个修女)

10. Kick Stand, tell Pope to bring in a nun. (翻译:Kick Stand,让老板把那个修女带来)

11. You are no nun to be there all the time. (翻译:You are no nun to be there all the time。)

12. I'm getting my way into Heaven by saving a nun. (翻译:我越来越 我的方式进入天堂 通过保存一个修女。)

13. I saved a nun's life. Why am I being punished? (翻译:我救过一个修女的命啊 为什么你要惩罚我啊?)

14. And there was this nun, Sister Barbara, and she ran this group for kids from troubled families. (翻译:有个叫芭芭拉的修女,她负责一个 专收问题家庭孩子的机构)

15. I know it sounds so ancient,but I wanted to be a nun. (翻译:我知道听起来很古老 不过我本来想当个修女的)

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