nyazin是什么意思 nyazin的中文翻译、读音、例句

nyazin是什么意思 nyazin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Additionally, other Ducommun manufacturing facilities will support DAS-NY with critical build components. (另外,其他Ducommun公司的制造工厂将支持柯萨奇工厂的关键部件建造。)





1. The story is not so glamorous as the music makes it seem appeared in the middle of a restaurant in NY (翻译:所以纽约小吃餐厅的状况 可能没有像这首歌这样迷人)

2. For Aditya, the highlight of the trip was demoing Radbox at the NY Tech Meetup. (翻译:对Aditya来说,这次行程的重点是在纽约科技回忆上展示Radbox的样品。)

3. We have a deadline for sending them to NY and to make that happen... we need Mr. Ishida to put a priority on each piece. (翻译:我们还要赶在截止日期前将画作送往纽约 为了达到目的... 我们要叫石田先生把画作优先寄过去 你可以去说一声吗?)

4. We understand it's a special day for you, Benny but your father and I can't just pick up and leave town every time you decide to get married. (翻译:我们知道这对你是个特别的日子 本ny... ...但你父亲和我不能每次你决定结婚时... ...就收拾好东西离开这里去参加你的婚礼)

5. this time i ' m here to attend the chivas regal party which will be held on friday at the ny public library (翻译:这次我来是参加周五将在纽约公共图书馆举办的芝华士酒会。)

6. And you know, G.P.'s known for picking up musicians to play in NY, regardless of their nationalities. (翻译:你也知道,G. P. 在纽约因提携新人而著称,)

7. Clerk: Yes, sir. The numer of your taxi is NY0668. (翻译:职员:好的,先生。您要的计程车车号是NY0668。)

8. Maybe ca rryi ng a ti ny electrica I cha rge. (翻译:好 让我们来瞧瞧 -那水晶可以用来干吗 -没什么用 不需要它)

9. I'm wearing a Charles Jourdan jacket from an NY vintage store with a top and trousers from London boot fairs. (翻译:我穿着从纽约州的旗舰店买的查尔斯卓丹的夹克,从伦敦引导交易会葡萄酒商店的夹克裤子。)

10. As I've experienced before in NY, staff seem to have wonderful manners, using 'you welcome' and 'ma'am' wherever you are. (翻译:在去纽约之前,我是有经验的,无论你在那儿,员工们似乎很有礼貌,用“欢迎您”、“夫人”之类的用语。)

11. I'm wearing a Charles Jourdan jacket from an NY vintage store with a top and trousers from London boot fairs. (翻译:我穿着从纽约州的旗舰店买的查尔斯卓丹的夹克,从伦敦引导交易会葡萄酒商店的夹克裤子。)

12. At left is Bergman's chief cameraman Sven Nyqvist. (翻译:左边是伯格曼的御用摄影师Sven Ny q vist。)

13. Yet for all its physical isolation Ny Alesund is connected to the world in a surprising number of ways. (翻译:然而,尽管新奥勒松从物理上说是与世隔绝的,但它却以相当丰富的方式与世界的其他部分联系在一起。)

14. Adjustable gear tail: NYP can need according to the viscosity, high viscosity pump by adjusting the gear clearance, to pump under different viscosity process requirement. (翻译:齿轮尾部间隙可调:NY P高粘度泵可以根据粘度的需要,通过调节齿轮间隙,达到泵在不同黏度下的工艺要求。)

15. Ibu Ahern Drive 714 Schenectady NY 12305 (翻译:伊布 埃亨路714号 斯克内克塔迪市,纽约洲,12305)

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