oastler是什么意思 oastler的中文翻译、读音、例句

oastler是什么意思 oastler的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Vince, via text, what is IW2.. SUTWTC means? (这意味着我W Y N Y T T S S 短信语言?)


例句:Last month jose Miguel Insulza, the OAS's secretary-general, said that "no evidence" linked Venezuela to the FARC. (上个月oas的秘书长jose Miguel Insulza说“没有证据”证明委内瑞拉和FARC有联系。)


1. Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources. (翻译:- It is. 多个专用T1线路 Multiple dedicated T -1 lines,)

2. We are way behind with these T-shirts. (翻译:我们还得把T恤赶工制好 We are way behind with these T -shirts.)

3. - A large conventional army. (翻译:T? A large conventional army.)

4. Anyone have a T-shirt, size extra-small? (翻译:有没有人有穿不下的T恤? Anyone have a T -shirt, size extra)

5. Please.T-bag.T-bag, please. (翻译:求你了 T -bag T -bag 求你了)

6. Please put that on a t-shirt. (翻译:这话可以印在t恤上了。Please put that on a t -shirt.)

7. And,come on somebody had to put an end to T-Mose. (翻译:拜托 某人别再叫T -Mose了 不 T)

8. Why would he own a T-shirt cannon? (翻译:他怎么会有T恤衫大炮? Why would he own a T -shirt cannon?)

9. A commando claims they executed him for betraying the ideals of the OAS. (翻译:一名突击队员声称... 他因违背美洲国家组织的 观念而被处决)

10. For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. (翻译:T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T -Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects.)

11. One extremely illegal hack in T-minus now. (翻译:タ獶猭献T -minus One extremely illegal hack in T -minus now.)

12. I have this RHD cars and diesel cars located In europe and some on mexico, please ler me know if you are interested. (翻译:我有这个风心病车和柴油车设在欧洲和一些对墨西哥,请联系汇率我知道,如果你有兴趣。)

13. He said the OAS must issue a clear demand for a return to constitutional order and insist that human rights be respected. (翻译:他表示,美洲组织发出清晰的要求,让洪都拉斯恢复宪法秩序并尊重人权。)

14. The OAS report did not address the legislative results, and foreign leaders have not publicly criticised them. (翻译:美洲国家组织的报告中却没有发布立法竞选的结果,同时外国的领导人也没公开指责他们。)

15. You want to put it on a T-shin? (翻译:要给你印到T恤上吗 省省吧 You want to put it on a T)



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