oblique halving是什么意思 oblique halving的中文翻译、读音、例句

oblique halving是什么意思 oblique halving的中文翻译、读音、例句

oblique halving在英语中代表"半倾接合"的意思,作为名词时有"半倾接合"的意思,读音为[obliquehalving],oblique halving在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到27个与oblique halving相关的例句。

Oblique halving的释义


例句:In light of this data, we suggest that oblique lumbar MRI can precisely demonstrate nerve roots in foramina and extraforaminal areas. (根据这些数据,我们认为斜位腰椎MRI能够精确地显示椎间孔及椎间孔外侧的神经根。)


oblique halving一般作为名词使用,如在halving(对分, 二等分, 减半, [航空、 航海]等分)、frequency halving(频率减半)、halving circuit([计] 平分电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

halving对分, 二等分, 减半, [航空、 航海]等分
frequency halving频率减半
halving circuit[计] 平分电路
halving joint单裁口搭接
halving line半像线
halving register[计] 平分寄存器
interval halving[计] 区间分半法
eyelid halving procedure惠勒手术


1. The formation of two-sides oblique compression and substrate contraction of Mesozoic Yanqi Basin (翻译:中生代焉耆盆地双侧斜向挤压-基底收缩成因)

2. It was an oblique reference to his mother. (翻译:这是对他母亲的隐射。)

3. They're faster, so you've got exponential growth in the speed of transistors, so the cost of a cycle of one transistor has been coming down with a halving rate of 1.1 years. (翻译:他们的运动非常快,所以我们会发现晶体管的性能的指数性增长, 进而,晶体管的价格 将会在每1.xx年下降一半。)

4. Results Horizontal or adown & oblique depression of ST segments outbalance to upwards & oblique depression for diagnosis of coronary heart diseases. (翻译:结果ST 段水平型或下斜型压低者诊断冠心病意义大。)

5. Stomatal apparatuses are oval, and the long axes of stomata are mostly perpendicular or oblique to the midvein. (翻译:气孔器椭圆形,长轴与叶片长轴垂直或成一定的角度。)

6. The oblique sounding is one of the powerful tools, by which an oblique ionogram is obtained with the group path or time delay against operating frequency. (翻译:斜向探测是电离层探测的主要方式之一,它能够获得电波传播群时延和频率关系的电离图。)

7. mouth oblique, rostellate, nearly as long as limb, 5-6 mm wide. (翻译:口偏斜,具小喙,近等长冠檐,5-6毫米宽。)

8. ocrea: lower part green, upper part brown, tubular, membranous, apex oblique, dehiscent, not ciliate. (翻译:托叶鞘:下半部分绿色,上半部分棕色,管状,膜质,先端偏斜,,不具缘毛。)

9. Stage projection; oblique projection on plane screens, drawings and nomograms for use in practice. (翻译:舞台放映。平面屏幕上的倾斜放映。实际应用的图形和列。)

10. They're called The Oblique Strategies, he developed them with a friend of his. (翻译:这叫“倾斜策略”, 是他是和一个朋友一块儿发明的。)

11. Achene purplish, broadly ovoid, ca. 0. 8 mm, slightly compressed, oblique, verrucose, enclosed by persistent perianth. (翻译:瘦果略带紫色的,宽卵形,大约0.8毫米,稍压扁,斜,多疣,藏于宿存花被内。)

12. Kitty-corner definition is in a diagonal or oblique position. (翻译:“斜对角的”的定义是在一个对角线或斜的位置。)

13. ocrea: lower part green, upper part brown, tubular, membranous, oblique, not ciliate, cleft to middle. (翻译:托叶鞘:下半部分绿色,上半部分棕色,管状,膜质,偏斜,不具缘毛,半裂至中部。)

14. ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire, apex oblique or truncate. (翻译:托叶鞘管状,膜,边缘全缘,先端偏斜或截形。)

15. This highly oblique view also highlights two distinct cloud patterns over the Calabrian interior. (翻译:这张高度倾斜的图像显现了卡拉布里亚内陆上空两种截然不同的云形。)

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