occupational tumor是什么意思 occupational tumor的中文翻译、读音、例句

occupational tumor是什么意思 occupational tumor的中文翻译、读音、例句

occupational tumor在中文中有"职业性肿瘤"的意思,还经常被翻译为职业性肿瘤,在线发音:[occupationaltumor],occupational tumor在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到35个与occupational tumor相关的例句。

Occupational tumor的翻译


例句:There were 18 jejunal tumor, 11 ileal tumor and 1 jejunoileal tumor by clinical diagnosis. (空肠肿瘤18例,回肠肿瘤11例,空、回肠同时发生的1例。)


occupational tumor一般作为名词使用,如在occupational(①占领的②职业的 )、tumor(肿瘤 )、occupational accidents([经] 职业性的意外事故)等常见短语中出现较多。

occupational accidents[经] 职业性的意外事故
occupational adaptability职业适应性
occupational adjustment职业适应
occupational aspiration职业抱负
occupational asthma职业性哮喘
occupational blindness职业性盲
occupational bribery职业性贿赂罪


1. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession. (翻译:不幸的是,患感冒是这个行业的职业风险。)

2. These include Wilms tumor, a tumor of the kidneys; (翻译:这些状况包括Wilms瘤,一种肾脏肿瘤; )

3. The tumor was in Jobs's pancreas, among the more survivable locations a neuroendocrine tumor can appear. (翻译:肿瘤在乔布斯的胰腺里,在此部位得神经内分泌瘤,存活率较高。)

4. In terms of simplification, is there scope to amalgamate existing grades within broader occupational categories? (翻译:在精简工作方面,可否把现有职系合并为多个较大的职业类别?)

5. - How can a disease caused by a tumor present if there's no tumor? (翻译:- 一个肿瘤引起的疾病怎么可能没有肿瘤的症状? - 可能的)

6. Re? ection on Training of Occupational Safety and Health for Female Workers (翻译:参加广州安康女工职业安全健康培训的启发刘楠。)

7. HBV is a major infectious occupational hazard of health workers. (翻译:乙型肝炎病毒是影响卫生工作者的具有传染性的一大职业危害。)

8. Virus mediated tumor targeting is one of the newly appeared promising biotherapy of malignant tumor. (翻译:病毒靶向肿瘤治疗是近年来出现的肿瘤生物治疗中较有希望的治疗方法之一。)

9. Tumor miRNAs may be present as a result of tumor cells dying and getting lysed or tumor cells releasing miRNAs into the surrounding environment. (翻译:肿瘤microRNA在血液中的存在可能是肿瘤死亡和溶解,或者由肿瘤细胞释放出microRNA到其周围微环境的结果。)

10. Conclusion: MRI is effective in the preoperative diagnosis of sacral tumor and is of clinical significance to the treatment of sacral tumor. (翻译:结论:MRI可作为骶骨肿瘤有效的术前诊断方法,对临床指导治疗有重要意义。)

11. Resected specimens revealed a polypoid tumor in the ileum and the histology of the tumor was consistent with MFH. (翻译:切除标本发现息肉的回肠肿瘤的组织学和肿瘤符合瘤。)

12. Fifty years ago, we started a small parts factory... for the occupational force. (翻译:我跟筱原大哥两个人 从制造驻军的卡车零件小工厂 开始做起已经xx年了)

13. Conclusions: NDV can kill tumor cells and can be used to treat tumor. (翻译:结论:NDV能够直接杀死肿瘤细胞,可作为治疗肿瘤的一种新生物制剂。)

14. Soviet psychiatry has made a great successes, thanks to the occupational therapy and to the work in the collective. (翻译:苏联精神病院取得重大成果, 那是职业治疗和 团体工作的功劳。)

15. She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands. (翻译:她现在将开始接受职业疗法以重新使用双手。)

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