octahedral voids是什么意思 octahedral voids的中文翻译、读音、例句

octahedral voids是什么意思 octahedral voids的中文翻译、读音、例句

octahedral voids在英语中代表"八面体空穴"的意思,还经常被翻译为八面体空位,在线读音是[octahedralvoids],octahedral voids是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到64个与octahedral voids相关的句子。

Octahedral voids的中文翻译


例句:The evolution of preexisting nano-voids in single crystal copper is investigated by means of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. (利用分子动力学方法研究了单晶铜中球形空洞在冲击波下的演化过程。)


例句:In an octahedral configuration of the extracts, the substituting groups from the two coor … (而在四面体构型中,两对取代基在互为正交的两个平面中,位阻小得多。)


octahedral voids一般作为名词使用,如在octahedral(八面体的 )、mortar voids(n. 砂浆空隙)、percentage of voids(隙率)等常见短语中出现较多。

mortar voidsn. 砂浆空隙
percentage of voids隙率
voids and pits蜂窝麻面
voids ratio空穴系数
water voids水孔隙
octahedral axis八面体轴
octahedral borax八面硼砂,八面体硼砂
octahedral cleavage八面体解理


1. To fix your broken heart, you have to identify these voids in your life and fill them, and I mean all of them. (翻译:要从心碎中走出来, 你一定要辨识你生活中 这些空缺并填补它们, 我说的是所有空缺。)

2. And you'll see there are all these filaments and structures and voids. (翻译:你们就会看到这些遍布的纤维状的的东西,还有这些特殊的结构和空洞 )

3. What happens is, you pour Bacillus pasteurii onto a pile of sand, and it starts filling up the voids in between the grains. (翻译:所发生的是,你把巴氏芽孢杆菌倒在一堆沙上, 它开始填充沙粒间的间隙。)

4. The white wall, known as "the road" , acts as a timeline of the country's history and voids in the wall accent important happenings. (翻译:白墙也即这条路,就像这个国家历史的一个时间轴,而墙里的空间展示了曾经的重大事件。)

5. Tank Linings and pipe Coatings: Ballast and potable water tanks; Bilges, wet voids and drainage pipes. (翻译:储罐衬里和管道用涂料:压载水舱和饮水舱;舱底、湿空舱和排水管。)

6. Researchers have observed the spontaneous form of dust voids in laboratory experiment and processing in microelectronics. (翻译:在大量的实验室实验和工业材料的微电子加工中,都观察到尘埃空洞的自发形成。)

7. - Basically, it says... if you commit one truly benevolent act, it voids the contract. (翻译:说到若某人做了真正无私之举 合约即告无效)

8. Sugar, explains Shi, is used to create pores or voids in scaffolds to support new tissue growth. (翻译:Shi解释道,糖被用来在支架中形成支持新生组织生长的气孔和空隙。)

9. And you see this thing we call the Great Wall, and you see the complicated structure, and you see these voids. (翻译:然后你就看到了我们所谓的长城 你看到了这个复杂的结构,还有中间的空洞)

10. The networks consist of interconnected strings or filaments of galaxies surrounding relatively empty regions known as voids . (翻译:网状物由星系组成,并由星系组成的细链连接在一起,周围是相对空旷的区域就是所谓的空洞。)

11. The trigonal prism yields three isomers also, but there are only two octahedral arrangements FOR this FORmulation. (翻译:三棱柱也有三个异构体,而对于这个分子式,仅有两种八面体排布。)

12. Giant voids may well exist out there, but the chance of our finding one in our observable universe would seem to be tiny. (翻译:巨型空洞可能存在,但是我们在可观察到的宇宙中找到这么一个的可能性是微乎其微的。)

13. Sierra Leone's diamonds to good quality, particles, and have a good octahedral crystal form known to the world. (翻译:塞拉里昂的钻石以品质佳,颗粒大,有良好的八面体晶形而著称于世。)

14. The reservoir Spaces of the Doushantuo Formation consist of inter crystalline pores and fracture voids. (翻译:陡山沱组的储集空间有晶间孔隙和裂隙缝洞空间。)

15. Wertheim had a hunch about what had caused the voids, and he went with Hanley to Pollock's old studio. (翻译:韦特海姆有预感是什么原因造成了这些空洞,他与汉利一起去了波洛克的旧画室。)

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