megina是什么意思 megina的中文翻译、读音、例句

megina是什么意思 megina的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:You like to read minds, Meg? (你喜欢参透别人心思 玛格 You like to read minds, Mag. - 我让你参透参透这个 - 怒怒 什么?)


例句:'What's the matter, Meg?' Annie Sorelli asked. (“怎么了,梅格?”安妮·索雷丽问。)


1. Meg was already covering the buckwheats, and piling the bread into one big plate. (翻译:梅格已动手把荞麦盖上,把面包堆放到一个大盘子里。)

2. This is my great old friend, Nick Burrows, and his wife, Meg. (翻译:这是我伟大的老朋友, 尼克・伯罗斯,和他的妻子,梅格。)

3. Uh, uh, read your manual. Meg. (翻译:读读你的手册 梅格 如果乔 谢弗呆在家里)

4. You said Meg Malden's birthday is two days after Amelia Stevens'. (翻译:你说过Meg Malden的生日 在Amelia Stevens的两天后)

5. He knows that Sam is staying... and Karen, Richard and Meg. (翻译:他知道Sam要留下来 还有Karen, Richard和Meg.)

6. Okay, right. She's probably in the office this morning... - Meg! (翻译:好 好 今天早上她也许就在办公室里...)

7. Look, no disrespect, but you haven't exactly been the most, uh, trustworthy person in our lives, Meg. (翻译:没有一点不尊重你的意思 Meg 但在我们生命中 你不是个可信的人)

8. What are the chances you think it's going to affect my decision for nomination. (翻译:除非提名Meg 因为她不可能被淘汰 绝对不可能)

9. - "Dearest Meg, I'm having a glorious time. (翻译:亲爱的玛格丽特 我拥有显赫的时光 我喜欢他们所有人)

10. You love me. And I love you. (翻译:- 她只有90磅重 住在救济所里 Meg)

11. Meg loves her job. (翻译:梅格热爱她的工作。)

12. Meg and I don't even talk about what the first song's gonna be. (翻译:Meg 和我根本不会讨论 第一首歌会是什么)

13. You only sling at big targets when you know you can take them out. (翻译:然后她会咬著我不放 但没人会淘汰可爱的Meg)

14. wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead. (翻译:玫绝望地看着额前那参差不齐的刘海儿,痛苦失声。)

15. Quinn, that's Janie, Meg, Taylor, and May. (翻译:Quinn,这是Janie,Meg,Taylor还有May。)

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