meiacanthus atrodorsalis是什么意思 meiacanthus atrodorsalis的中文翻译、读音、例

meiacanthus atrodorsalis是什么意思 meiacanthus atrodorsalis的中文翻译、读音、例

meiacanthus atrodorsalis通常被翻译为"金鳍稀棘鳚"的意思,在日常中也代表"狗鲦"的意思,发音音标为[meiacanthusatrodorsalis],meiacanthus atrodorsalis是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到90个与meiacanthus atrodorsalis相关的例句。

Meiacanthus atrodorsalis的中文翻译


例句:The setae on abdomen, both dorsal and ventral are longer and more in number. (腹部背面及腹面的刚毛均比模式种的长而多。)


例句:Biological characteristics of Actinidia deliciosa selection "Shi Mei" (美味猕猴桃优良株系“实美”的生物学特性观测)


meiacanthus atrodorsalis一般作为名词使用,如在meiacanthus([网络] 稀棘鳚属)、meiacanthus grammistes(黑带稀棘[鱼尉], 黑带稀棘鳚;狗鲦)、meiacanthus kamoharai(浅带稀棘鳚;狗鲦)等常见短语中出现较多。

meiacanthus[网络] 稀棘鳚属
meiacanthus grammistes黑带稀棘[鱼尉], 黑带稀棘鳚;狗鲦
meiacanthus kamoharai浅带稀棘鳚;狗鲦


1. We are prepared to offer Clayton West a 40-year lease on the Mei Mei rare earth elements refinery, to which I will lend my name. (翻译:我们准备给Clayton West的 霉霉稀土精炼厂提出xx年租期 我也会出声支持)

2. Acanthus ilicifolius and Spartina alterniflora multiplied rapidly in the chilling injury areas of Sonneratia caseolaris plantation, and they could occupy the mudflats for a long term. (翻译:灾后互花米草和老鼠簕迅速繁殖扩散,若不进行人工改造,互花米草和老鼠簕将长期占据海桑林迹地滩涂。)

3. Patrick broke up with Mei, and he kept on fooling around (翻译:Patrick跟阿媚散了之后 继续做兰桂坊步惊云)

4. Mei has been in love with Yuya all her life. (翻译:美已经用所有她的生命爱上了裕。)

5. Colonel Mei, sea battles are risky (翻译:梅SIR,一动不如一静 要是打无把握的仗)

6. Let me introduce to you, this is Leung, my brother This is Mei (翻译:介绍给你认识 这是阿良,我小弟! 媚姨!)

7. The best known of these was Mei Lanfang. (翻译:当中最知名的就是梅兰芳。)

8. I want you all to stay with Ah Mei! (翻译:我进去换件衣服 你收拾收拾搬到绮梅那儿去住)

9. Sympathetic contribution to mechanical allodynia induced by partial injury of the dorsal root in the rats (翻译:大鼠部分后根损伤诱发机械性痛性感觉异常的交感神经依赖性)

10. The bulbourethral glands are exposed proximal and dorsal to the bulbospongiosus muscle. (翻译:尿道球腺出现在球海绵体肌的近端背面。)

11. Results: the number of the rootlets in every cervical dorsal root are almost the same. (翻译:结果:颈部各节段后根所含各级神经束的数目基本一致。)

12. Scorpions have unique sensory combs, called pectines, on their dorsal sides. (翻译:蝎子的背侧上长有一排被称之为栉状器的独特感应梳。)

13. What does Li Mei want to be in the future? (翻译:李梅将来想成为什么? )

14. The dorsal raphe nucleus and auditory and vestibular pathway . (翻译:与听觉、前庭系统相关的中缝背核神经通路研究进展。)

15. Mei Cheng's Qifa is one of the representatives of the Hanfu. (翻译:枚乘的《七发》是汉赋代表作之一。)

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