ongoing inflation是什么意思 ongoing inflation的中文翻译、读音、例句

ongoing inflation是什么意思 ongoing inflation的中文翻译、读音、例句

ongoing inflation通常被翻译为"目前通货膨胀"的意思,还经常被翻译为目前通货膨胀,发音音标为[ongoinginflation],ongoing inflation是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到53个与ongoing inflation相关的句子。

Ongoing inflation的释义


例句:Inflation is in double figures. (通货膨胀率达两位数。)


ongoing inflation一般作为名词使用,如在ongoing(进行中的 )、ongoing activity(un. 进行性活动\n[网络] 爆发;兴奋性持续上升)、ongoing audit([审计] 正在进行的审计)等常见短语中出现较多。

ongoing activityun. 进行性活动\n[网络] 爆发;兴奋性持续上升
ongoing audit[审计] 正在进行的审计
ongoing change经时变化
ongoing evaluation进行中评价
ongoing project[基经] 进行中的项目
ongoing resultun. 现有成果
ongoing work正在进行的工作


1. Inflation is moving firmly downward. (翻译:通货膨胀在稳步下降。)

2. In college, we've got cost inflation in higher education that dwarfs cost inflation in medical care. (翻译:大学里,高等教育的成本增长不断增长, 这种增长使医疗保健中的成本增长显得相形见绌。)

3. The end of agricultural subventions caused increased food prices and inflation. (翻译:农业补助的终结 The end of agricuItural subventions 造成粮食价格上涨和通货膨胀。caused increased food prices and inflation.)

4. Inflation is currently running at 3%. (翻译:当前的通货膨胀率为3%。)

5. The budget made allowance for inflation. (翻译:预算考虑到了通货膨胀。)

6. The piazza is an ongoing party, and everyone is invited. (翻译:在广场上正在举行一个集会 任何人都可以参加)

7. The government is looking to reduce inflation. (翻译:政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。)

8. Kalinda, hand your ongoing cases to Robyn. (翻译:Kalinda 把你手头的事儿交给Robyn)

9. The negotiations with neighboring communities are ongoing and difficult. (翻译:与邻近社区的谈判仍在进行,而且困难重重。)

10. So every insurgent force that is ongoing, every conflict that is ongoing, it's going to look something like this. (翻译:因此每支现存的叛乱部队 每场正在进行的冲突战争 最后就会发展成这样 )

11. Yes, he probably had ongoing depression. (翻译:没错,他很可能不可自拔地沉浸于沮丧之中 )

12. Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on. (翻译:通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。)

13. That is: increase in the supply of money, with more inflation. (翻译:因为: 只要加大货币供应量, 就会有更大的通货膨胀.)

14. Inflation continues to accelerate. (翻译:通货膨胀不断加速。)

15. To see if reality matched this theory, I plugged the numbers on overall inflation and core inflation since 1980 into a spreadsheet. (翻译:来看看实际情况是否符合理论,我在表格中标明了从xx年以来的全面通胀系数和核心通胀系数的数值。)

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