onnia scaura是什么意思 onnia scaura的中文翻译、读音、例句

onnia scaura是什么意思 onnia scaura的中文翻译、读音、例句

onnia scaura通常被翻译为"粗糙翁孔菌"的意思,其中文解释还有"粗糙翁孔菌"的意思,单词读音音标为[onniascaura],onnia scaura是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到36个与onnia scaura相关的例句。

Onnia scaura的释义


例句:Please tell Nia the general has led all his best soldiers towards us. (请一定要转告大姐 总捕头率州府精锐,倾巢而出)


1. There was, in general, on the set an aura of panic. (翻译:克鲁格的巨乳冲撞 总的来说,现场一片惊慌)

2. WCAG SC 2.1.1 says there must be no keyboard trap. (翻译:WCAG SC 2.1.1指出不应有键盘陷阱。)

3. This is the postcode category of Rond nia, Brazil. (翻译:这是巴西朗多尼亚州的邮政编码分类。)

4. I'm telling you as one of your employees. (翻译:而是以SC集团员工身份 向会长提出重大提案)

5. Because an aura reader convinced him (翻译:因为直觉告诉他 because an aura reader convinced him)

6. NIA exists solely for the purpose of educating Americans to the truth about the U. (翻译:NIA的成立是为了向美国人民介绍美国经济和通货膨胀的真相。)

7. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free! (翻译:请告诉每个你认识的人免费成为NIA的会员。)

8. I heard that your film will only be produced with SC's investment. (翻译:我听说朴民奎导演的电影 只有跟SC娱乐解约的明星 才能参与表演 不然不行)

9. Effect Test of Asomate SC for Prevention and Cure of Recrudescence of Apple Tree Canker (翻译:福美砷悬浮剂防治苹果树腐烂病疤复发药效试验)

10. You! I heard that you were busy flirting with the second son of SC. Is that a rumor too? (翻译:我听说了 你正在想尽办法 勾引SC家的二公子呢)

11. Provided the market for the SC1 being big enough, we can produce it relatively cheaply. (翻译:假若SC1产品的市场足够广阔,我们会以相对便宜的价格生产它。)

12. SC1 sub-technical committee responsible for the development of terminology standards, France as secretary of state; (翻译:SC1分技术委员会负责制订术语标准,法国为秘书国;)

13. Antonia, my mother, and Emilio (翻译:安东尼娅,我的母亲,和埃米利奥 Antónia, my mother, and Emilio)

14. Antonia is the sister of minister Correia. (翻译:安东尼娅是科雷亚部长的妹妹。Antónia is the sister of minister Correia.)

15. The idea is to create the aura of a gentlemen'sclub. (翻译:这个创意开创出了一种绅士味道的芳香味道。)

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