opalski是什么意思 opalski的中文翻译、读音、例句

opalski是什么意思 opalski的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:They drive up and ski across blending in with the tourists... (逃往有雪地的山区 可以有较长的时间 躲避警方的追捕)





1. Plus, you can ski all day on Christmas Day at Taos Ski Resort. (翻译:此外,圣诞节那天你可以尽情在Taos滑雪场滑雪。)

2. My luck's not very good as it is. I don't think an opal's gonna change that much. (翻译:我本来就倒霉,马帝 我想蛋白石不会让我更惨)

3. But even more important, all the ground was covered with snow and the only way to operate was with ski troops, and we hadn't got ski troops. (翻译:但更重要的是,所有的地面都覆盖着积雪 行动的唯一方式就是用滑雪部队, 而我们没有滑雪部队)

4. Known as one of the world's top ski destinations, the Dolomites offer endless ski runs to enjoy, with many from the heights of Alta Badia. (翻译,白云岩的滑雪运动提供了无尽的享受,许多从阿尔塔巴迪亚的高度。)

5. Bajaj, a downhill ski specialist, described the cold as "extreme". (翻译:巴贾杰是个速降滑雪能手,他说北极“极其”寒冷。)

6. Bajaj, a downhill ski specialist, described the cold as "extreme" . (翻译:巴贾杰是个速降滑雪能手,他说北极“极其”寒冷。)

7. I watched as they got on the jet ski. (翻译:我看着他们坐上了喷气式滑艇。)

8. You do not know what I'm with you, if I discover Ski that died for your salary. (翻译:如果我发现Ski是因为你的薪水而死,我跟你没完)

9. Is this the reason you said no to that ski trip last winter? (翻译:去年冬天你是因为这个才不肯去滑雪吗 Is this the reason you said no to that ski trip last winter?)

10. And I ended up on the cover of a ski magazine. (翻译:而且我将在滑雪杂志封面上介绍的 那么美丽的地方结束自己的一生)

11. Ski in, ski out, five bedrooms, sauna, everything. (翻译:什么时候都可以滑雪 五个房间 有桑拿 什么都有了 过得简直像活神仙)

12. She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor. (翻译:她与一位有智力障碍的滑雪教练私奔了。)

13. Mr Gombert loves to fish, hike and ski. (翻译:Gombert先生酷爱垂钓、登山和滑雪。)

14. Graphical symbols - Signs for the use of the ropeways and ski-lifts. (翻译:图形符号.架空索道及滑动式人员运输车的使用标志)

15. There are three ski lifts in operation. (翻译:有3辆滑雪缆车在运行。)

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