ophthalmoeikonometer是什么意思 ophthalmoeikonometer的中文翻译、读音、例句

ophthalmoeikonometer是什么意思 ophthalmoeikonometer的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Take it from four-time world champion, Kono Kalakaua. (听我这个四届世界冠军Kono Kalakaua的)


1. To procure this bootleg vhs copy from japan. Kono: (翻译:从日本买到了这电影的盗版录像带 to procure this bootleg VHS copy from Japan.)

2. Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe. (翻译:你看啊 莫伊 拉里 克里 谢普和卷毛乔伊)

3. -Name's Moe if you need anything. -This is great. (翻译:-如果你们需要什么就叫我,我叫莫伊 -很好)

4. So, this facility delivers 14 watts per square meter; this one 10 watts per square meter; and this one in Spain, 5 watts per square meter. (翻译:所以这个设备可以提供14瓦特每平方米, 这个是10瓦特每平方米, 这一个在西班牙,可提供5瓦特每平方米。)

5. Okay, we need to move left about a meter. (翻译:好 现在我们得向左靠一米 Okay, we need to move left about a meter.)

6. I fixed your bio-meter watch, checked your vitals at the time of the temple collapse. (翻译:我修好了你的生物计手表 I fixed your bio -meter watch, 在寺庙坍塌时检查了你的生命特征 Checked your vitals at the time of the temple collapse.)

7. Imagine a two meter by two meter area full of coffins, jewelry and incredible statuary. (翻译:想象一个两米乘两米的区域, 塞满了棺木,首饰 和惊人的雕像, )

8. So if Monsanto's claims are upheld in this case, that would not only put Moe out of business, but it would prohibit every grower in the country from doing what Moe does as a precedent in future cases. (翻译:如果孟山都的控告得以成立 斯蒂芬·R 彭内尔 默伊代理律师 被迫停业的就不光是默伊了 斯蒂芬·R 彭内尔 默伊代理律师 而是这个国家里)

9. Following Moe's death, Senator Ask Aak was sworn into office in his place. (翻译:莫死后,阿斯克·阿克议员宣誓接任他的职位。)

10. Kono is in China at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). (翻译:日本国际贸易促进协会代表团是应中国贸促会邀请来华访问的。)

11. Hey, Moe. Hey, Larry. Fellas, do something! (翻译:Hey 莫伊 Hey 莱利 伙计们 快采取措施!)

12. It was damaged in the cave-in. (翻译:-meter watch. 在那个洞里被弄坏了 It was damaged in the cave)

13. Eddie, we brought you a tap into Moe Anenberg's wire. (翻译:艾迪,我帮你带来一部电报机 它可以截听安柏格的电报)

14. Is the meter of this piece duple or triple? (翻译:这个乐曲片断中的节拍是二重的还是三重的?)

15. That's right, but we straightened that out. Yeah, and then, uh, Kono Kalakaua-- that's Chin's cousin-- she was next. (翻译:恩 然后 Kono Kalakaua 就是Chin的表妹 她是下一个)

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