optimists是什么意思 optimists的中文翻译、读音、例句

optimists是什么意思 optimists的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Optimists believe that everything will turn out well in the end.


2. Despite the challenging circumstances, the optimists among us remain hopeful.





例句:Optimists notice the changes that were unlikely a few months ago. (乐观人士发现了几个月前 不可能发生的改变)


例句:Gamblers are incorrigible optimists. (嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。)


1. Optimists bet on human ingenuity to spring the Malthusian trap, as it has done so often before. (翻译:乐观主义者押注人类智慧能突破马尔萨斯陷阱,就像过去已经多次发生的一样。)

2. Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns by Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton (翻译:乐观者的胜利:xx年全球投资回报埃尔罗伊·蒂蒙森,波尔·玛什)

3. Unfortunately for the optimists, despite the long sell-off, financial shares still do not look like bargains by historical standards. (翻译:遗憾的是,从历史经验来看,虽然已经历了较长抛售齐,但金融股并非乐观派想象的那么便宜。)

4. Social media has often been framed by techno-optimists as this great connecting force that would bring people together. (翻译:社交媒体经常被高科技乐观者, 模式化成使人们相互连接的伟大动力。)

5. And an amazing fact for techno-optimists is that in the first half of the 20th century, the rate of improvement of life expectancy was three times faster than it was in the second half of the 19th century. (翻译:还有一个让技术乐观主义者高兴的事实: 在20世纪前半期, 人类寿命的增长速度 是19世纪后半期 寿命增长速度的三倍。)

6. In fact, the data do not tell us that conservatives are uncaring ; they actually tell us that conservatives are optimists. (翻译:实际上,数据并没有说保守主义者不关心,它真正要告诉我们的是保守主义者是乐天派。)

7. Groups such Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and Optimists have weekly meetings with speakers. (翻译:扶轮社,基瓦尼斯俱乐部,狮子会,乐观会等团体每周都会与演讲者开会。)

8. The optimists will argue that the sooner prices are marked down in a transparent way, the sooner the recovery may begin. (翻译:乐观人士会说,越早以一种透明的方式调降资产价格,经济复苏可能也就出现得越快。)

9. Optimists argue that the scale of the downturn augurs for a strong rebound. (翻译:乐观者提出衰退的规模预示着强烈的回升。)

10. When things go wrong, optimists act quickly, seeking advice from others and looking for solutions. (翻译:当出现问题时,乐观主义者会迅速采取行动,向他人寻求建议并寻找解决方案。)

11. What if we were all idealists? What if we were all optimists? What if we all overestimated what we were capable of. . . what would happen? (翻译:如果我们都是理想主义者,或都是乐观主义者,如果我们都高估自己的潜能……最终会发生什么?)

12. On balance, the red-corner optimists have the better argument, albeit with a proviso. (翻译:总的来说,“红色”阵营的观点更有道理,伹是要加上一些条件。)

13. It is hard to lose too much sleep, say the optimists, about a collapse in a property market facing that sort of potential demand. (翻译:乐观主义者表示,面对这样的潜在需求,人们很难太过担心房地产市场崩盘。)

14. Optimists in Europe and America say that acknowledging these losses is all part of the healing process. (翻译:欧美乐观者认为,他们的损失可以确认,假以时日即可全面恢复。)

15. Optimists claim that we live the best life in world, while pessimists fear that this is true. (翻译:乐观主义者声称我们生活在所能生活的最好的世界上,悲观者则生怕这是真的)



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