optional dividend是什么意思 optional dividend的中文翻译、读音、例句

optional dividend是什么意思 optional dividend的中文翻译、读音、例句

optional dividend的中文解释是"经",作为名词时有"任选股利发放方法"的意思,在线读音是[optionaldividend],optional dividend在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到32个与optional dividend相关的例句。

Optional dividend的中文翻译


例句:But this opportunity, this youth dividend, is not a given. (但这个机遇,这个青年红利, 不是理所当然的。)


例句:Since landing A-share market since the mid-Moutai has maintained a dividend, the dividend amount in recent years, high Diego. (自登陆A股市场以来,贵州茅台一直保持着年年分红,近年来分红金额迭创新高。)


optional dividend一般作为名词使用,如在optional(选择的 )、dividend on([经] 有股利)、With dividend([网络] 附有红利)等常见短语中出现较多。

dividend on[经] 有股利
With dividend[网络] 附有红利
non optional[网络] 非可选;必选的;非任意性的
optional accessories非必需附件;任选附件
optional additional选港附加费
optional annex[网络] 任选附则
optional argument[计] 任选变元
optional assembly选项的组件


1. Optional iTunes DAAP music sharing support. (翻译:可选的iTunes DAAP音乐分享支持。)

2. At a meeting with Union Pacific officials, Dugan asked whether the dividend was safe. (翻译:在一次会议上与太平洋联盟的官员,杜根询问,股息是安全的。)

3. Assignments are not optional at the Daily Planet. (翻译:在《星球日报》 指派的报导不能说不写就不写)

4. The GCA is of the opinion that such surveys are mandatory and not optional. (翻译:代建认为这样的调查是强制的而不是可选的。)

5. But a demographic dividend is only as good as the investment in your human capital. (翻译:但这些人口红利 就像人力资源的投资一样 )

6. Remote target from anywhere with optional sat upgrade. (翻译:选择升级的组件 就可以从世界任意地点进行遥控)

7. Guaranteed delivery with optional acknowledgements. (翻译:带有可选回执有保证的运送。)

8. Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatary. (翻译:每一次起飞都可有可无,每一次着陆却非要不可。)

9. My mother taught me an invitation is optional. (翻译:我妈妈教我的是 邀请可以选择接受或不接受)

10. The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 percent. (翻译:第一季度的股息增加了近4%。)

11. This operator returns the remainder after dividing the divisor into the dividend an integral number of times . (翻译:执行求模算法。此运算符返回除数除被除数整数次后的余数。)

12. This fee and dividend would stimulate the economy and innovations, creating millions of jobs. (翻译:这笔费用和津贴 将促进经济 和创新, 创造数以百万的工作机会。)

13. What is unique about this demographic dividend is that India will be the only country in the world to have this demographic dividend. (翻译:这种人口红利的独特之处在于 印度将成为世界上唯一一个 拥有人口红利的国家)

14. The other dependency which is optional is NHibernate. (翻译:其他可选的依赖是NHibernate。)

15. To glean the safety of the income offered by a stock, investors look at dividend cover. (翻译:为了获得股票收益的安全性,投资者会关注股利保障倍数。)

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