melinonine g是什么意思 melinonine g的中文翻译、读音、例句

melinonine g是什么意思 melinonine g的中文翻译、读音、例句

melinonine g通常被翻译为"美农宁、化"的意思,其次还有"一种生物碱"的意思,在线发音:[melinonineg],melinonine g来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到79个与melinonine g相关的例句。

Melinonine G的翻译


例句:In the Western music tradition, pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. (D, E, F, 和G。此后,就循环: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 等等。)


例句:Earned his G.E.D. and tutored other inmates towards theirs. (获得了G. E. D文凭,而且还辅导其他囚犯去拿文凭 Earned his G.)


例句:Fokin, I. Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk (Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk)


melinonine g一般作为名词使用,如在melinonine G([化] 美农宁G(一种生物碱))、melinonine([化] 美农宁(生物碱))、G and G(abbr. the Good and the Great 名门望族;上层决策人物;社会贤达名流;有权有势的人物[参较 good])等常见短语中出现较多。

melinonine G[化] 美农宁G(一种生物碱)
melinonine[化] 美农宁(生物碱)
G and Gabbr. the Good and the Great 名门望族;上层决策人物;社会贤达名流;有权有势的人物[参较 good]
g/g[电] 地对地
G[计] 千兆, 吉, 图形, 网格, 接地\n[化] 鸟苷
G & Aabbr. Greed and Avarice贪婪和贪得无厌
g'abbr. G 级;1 000 元\nn. 英语字母表的第 7 个字母\n[网络] 储能模量;线口螺纹;希腊
g/a[电] 地对空
on the g[网络] 因子
the 'G'[网络] 来自里约的女孩;洪水;金曲重现


1. Fokin, I. Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk (翻译:Miliutenko, G. Zilberman, V. Vynnyk)

2. HG, Steve, Mrs. Frederic-- they'd all be dead. (翻译:H. G. Steve Frederic夫人...)

3. 4G, 5G, I haVe a Iot of money. (翻译:4G 5G 我有钱 4G,5G, I have a lot of money.)

4. The codecs used for transmitting audio are G.711 and G.723. (翻译:用于传输音频的编码是G . 711和G . 723。)

5. Information about GLAB companies, projects and students backgrounds will be posted on the GLAB web site. (翻译:关于G-Lab公司、专案与学生背景的资讯会公布在G-Lab的网站。)

6. Uh, Gary, g-g-go stall him. (翻译:呃,Gary,去——去拖住他。Oh. Uh, Gary, g)

7. XU Bao-gang conjectured : If the clique complex C(G) of a graph G is acyclic, G is contractible. (翻译:许宝刚猜想:若图G的团复形是无圈的,则G为可伸缩图。)

8. IT WAS not Bretton Woods. (翻译:G20并非布雷顿森林。)

9. High-fat foods: 200g avocado, 30g almonds, 20g hazelnuts, 10g flaxseed, 3g Brazil nuts. (翻译:高脂肪食品:牛油果200克,杏仁30克,榛子20克,亚麻籽10克,巴西坚果3克。)

10. Add 7.0 g of disodium EDTA and 3.05 g of cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate. (翻译:——准确称取3.55g二代磷酸盐用400mL水溶解移入到500mL的容量瓶中,同时加入7.0g EDTA及3.05g 半胱氨酸盐酸盐一水物。)

11. G-Ray, Smokes, DC Dog -- all dead. (翻译:G -Ray, Smokes, DC Dog -都死了.)

12. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)

13. Materials: Apple 500g, sugar 150g, two bottles of fresh milk. (翻译:苹果500g,白糖150g,新鲜牛奶两瓶。)

14. The name "Abegg" -- "Abegg" is actually A-B-E-G-G, and that's the main theme in the melody. (翻译:阿贝格这个名字─实际上是A-B-E-G-G, 这是旋律的主题)

15. The name "Abegg" is actually A-B-E-G-G, and that's the main theme in the melody. (翻译:阿贝格这个名字─实际上是A-B-E-G-G, 这是旋律的主题 )

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