ordered linear space是什么意思 ordered linear space的中文翻译、读音、例句

ordered linear space是什么意思 ordered linear space的中文翻译、读音、例句

ordered linear space的意思是"有序线性空间",在日常中也代表"有序线性空间"的意思,单词读音音标为[orderedlinearspace],ordered linear space常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到39个与ordered linear space相关的句子。

Ordered linear space的中文翻译


例句:You are ordered off the streets! (你们被命令离开大街! You are ordered off the streets!)


ordered linear space一般作为名词使用,如在ordered space([数] 有序空间)、linear space(线性空间)、linear ordered relation(线性有序关系)等常见短语中出现较多。

ordered space[数] 有序空间
linear space线性空间
linear ordered relation线性有序关系
ordered linear copolymer有规[无规]线型共聚物
ordered vector space有序向量空间
partially ordered space半序空间
ordered in命令进入
dual linear space对偶线性空间


1. Better than the Space-mountain, Santa Claus, (翻译:胜过过山车 圣诞圆舞曲 Le space -mountain, la ronde du Père -Noël,)

2. Carrie ordered the doctors to wake you up. (翻译:卡莉命令医生让你苏醒 Carrie ordered the doctors to wake you up.)

3. Space, the final frontier. (翻译:螖喂维蟽蟿畏渭伪... 蟿慰 蟿蔚位蔚?蟿伪委慰 蟽蠉谓慰蚁慰.)

4. Even a nominally linear device can be linear only up to a certain limiting amplitude. (翻译:即使名义上为线性的装置,仅在某个有限的振辐之内才可能为线性。)

5. This one was ordered in 2011. (翻译:这一辆是在xx年买的 This one was ordered in 2011.)

6. The Queen ordered them to bring her straight to him. (翻译:王后命令他们把她直接带走. The Queen ordered them to bring her straight to him.)

7. Voyager trivia, or model trains. (翻译:Deep Space Nine trivia,)

8. He ordered a breathalyzer test and... (翻译:他做了一个酒精测试然后... He ordered a breathalyzer test and...)

9. The linear metro vehicle is powered by linear induction motors (LIMs), supported and oriented by wheels. (翻译:直线电机轮轨交通采用直线感应电机牵引,轮轨系统支撑与导向。)

10. They're called the Space Warriors. (翻译:Space Warriors本来是个环境保护)

11. I just ordered plum cakes. (翻译:我刚刚点了李子蛋糕 I just ordered plum cakes.)

12. It's not linear. And our intuition is linear. (翻译:它并不是线性的。而对我们来说,直觉却是线性的。)

13. Space is bold, but safe at the same time. (翻译:太空是个大胆的话题,同时又安全。Space is bold, but safe at the same time.)

14. Tied to ritualistic blood sacrifice. (翻译:这个太空计划的标志? The symbol used for his space program?)

15. Space exploration and the defense department (翻译:太空探索和国防体系之间 Space exploration and the defense department)

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