ore block是什么意思 ore block的中文翻译、读音、例句

ore block是什么意思 ore block的中文翻译、读音、例句

ore block在英语中代表"矿体"的意思,在日常中也代表"矿体"的意思,发音音标为[oreblock],ore block来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与ore block相关的句子。

Ore block的中文翻译


例句:Bill runs a little cooler than you. (-防止他们受到辩方干扰 -玛西亚 - Block them from the defense.)


ore block一般作为名词使用,如在ore(矿石 )、if block([计] 如果分程序)、in block(全部,一起,整个)等常见短语中出现较多。

if block[计] 如果分程序
in block全部,一起,整个
the blockna. 成套\n[网络] 重返街头;块;街区
to block阻挡
parietal block block心室内传导阻滞
dry ore【采矿】 含铅很少的金或银矿石
drybone ore[化] 土菱锌矿
economic ore经济矿藏


1. The manganese ore magnetic ore separator may also use in mineral and so on limonite, rutile, niobium tantalum ore separation depuration. (翻译:锰矿磁选机还可用于褐铁矿、金红石、铌钽矿等矿物的分选提纯。)

2. Yeah, I just set aside a five-minute block and let you and Will go at it. (翻译:I just set aside a five -minute block and let you and Will go at it.)

3. You see, there were 160 cats on north block... and I didn't want to know 159 of them, which included you. (翻译:there were 160 cats on north block... which included you.)

4. This much would level a city block. (翻译:这点就能夷平一个街区 This much would level a city block.)

5. At the meeting, Zhuzhuang mine, Tongting ore, iron ore transportation office and made Qinan Experience. (翻译:会上,朱庄矿、童亭矿、铁运处和祁南矿做了经验介绍。)

6. D Block prom queen. - That's it? (翻译:D区的舞会皇后 D block prom queen.)

7. Ah Long, try to block it from the rear. (翻译:try to block it from the rear.)

8. Block off the road in both directions. (翻译:Block off the road in both directions. Good lad.)

9. I am prepared to resign if you block this one! (翻译:你不批项目我就辞职 I am prepared to resign if you block this one!)

10. Some of altered diabase, dibasic altered rocks accrete with ore or as disseminated ore itself. (翻译:有的蚀变辉绿岩、辉绿蚀变岩与矿石共生或本身即为浸染状矿石。)

11. A black mineral that is an ore of niobium and '. (翻译:一种黑色矿物,是铌、钽矿石。)

12. By optimizing the sequence of panel mining stope of ore block, the mining sequence of the "two stope panels" is applied for the mine. (翻译:对阶段中盘区回采顺序进行优化,得出“隔二采一”的最佳开采顺序。)

13. Okay, so that block is covered with cameras. (翻译:那个街区到处都有监控探头 Okay, so that block is covered with cameras.)

14. So that no one else can come in. (翻译:我要你找办法封锁住前门 I need you to find a way to block the front door)

15. The residence is only a block away. (翻译:离我家只有一条街了 The residence is only a block away.)

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