oregon lilies是什么意思 oregon lilies的中文翻译、读音、例句

oregon lilies是什么意思 oregon lilies的中文翻译、读音、例句

oregon lilies在中文中有"的复数、网络"的意思,其中文解释还有"俄勒冈百合"的意思,在线发音:[oregonlilies],oregon lilies常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到32个与oregon lilies相关的例句。

Oregon lilies的释义


例句:This is KBAL, Eugene, Oregon. (This is KBAL, Eugene, Oregon.)


例句:When these waves approach the coast of Oregon,at Cape Disappointment (它要撞来了 它要撞来了 当这些浪大量的抵达俄勒冈海岸的失望角)


例句:I read where they got this great blue ocean up in Oregon. (我在书上读到俄勒冈州涨潮期的海洋最美最蓝 I read where they got this great blue ocean up in oregon.)


oregon lilies一般作为名词使用,如在lilies(n. 百合花( lily的名词复数 ))、Easter lilies([网络] 复活节的莉莉图片;百合;节百合)、fawn lilies(fawn lily\n【植物】赤莲 (Erythronium))等常见短语中出现较多。

liliesn. 百合花( lily的名词复数 )
Easter lilies[网络] 复活节的莉莉图片;百合;节百合
fawn liliesfawn lily\n【植物】赤莲 (Erythronium)
glacier lilies[网络] 冰河百合;冰川百合\n(glacier lily 的复数)
globe lilies[网络] 全球百合\n(globe lily 的复数)
glory liliesun. 嘉兰\n[网络] 绚烂百合;嘉兰百合\n(glory lily 的复数)
Guernsey lilies[网络] 根西莲花
impala lilies[网络] 白唇草\n(impala lily 的复数)
Jacobean liliesJacobean lily\n【植物】龙头花属植物;火燕兰(Sprekelia formosissima)[亦作 Aztec lily]


1. I read where they got this great blue ocean up in Oregon. (翻译:我在书上读到俄勒冈州涨潮期的海洋最美最蓝 I read where they got this great blue ocean up in oregon.)

2. Like the lilies of the field, my friend. (翻译:Like the lilies of the field, my friend. We toil not, neither do we spin.)

3. Today, Hayley McCrea of Portland, Oregon asks the scientists: (翻译:今天,来自波特兰俄勒冈州的观众海莉·麦克雷向科学家提出疑问:)

4. I grew up in Portland, Oregon. (翻译:我在奥勒岗州波特兰长大 I grew up in Portland, Oregon.)

5. Half of Oregon is protected Federal parkland. (翻译:俄勒冈州一半的土地 都是受联邦政府保护的 Half of Oregon is protected Federal parkland.)

6. Come, make lilies white again, Give water back its taste, (翻译:来吧,让百合花 重新变白; 把清甜还给泉水)

7. Gobo company was founded in 1939 in Portland, Oregon. (翻译:戈博公司创办于xx年的美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。)

8. Yardley had lilies on his grave. Well, flowers, anyway. (翻译:Yardley被埋的地方有百合花 反正 就是花啦)

9. Oregon's Bob Wobell is on the long jump runway. (翻译:俄亥俄大学的 Bob Wobell 正在准备跳远)

10. That means "Woman Calls Cops On Black Oregon Lawmaker" becomes "Black Oregon Lawmaker Calls Cops On Woman." (翻译:也就是,“白人女性举报俄勒冈州 黑人立法者参加区内竞选,” 变成“俄勒冈黑人立法者 报警举报白人女性“。)

11. They had lotuses and water lilies in their hands and in the carts. (翻译:他们手上拿着,车上装着很多的荷花和睡莲。)

12. A woman in Oregon recently experienced what this would be like. (翻译:俄勒冈州的一名女子 最近就有过这样的切身经历。)

13. Miss Gipson is moving to Oregon to start a new job. (翻译:Gipson小姐将搬到俄勒冈开始一份新工作.)

14. All summer, in this world of water lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a confused life. (翻译:整个夏季,在这睡莲的世界里,蹼鸡和黑水鸡过着困惑迷茫的日子。)

15. - Hey, Karen, order me a bouquet of flowers for the end of the day, lilies. (翻译:- 嘿, 凯伦 帮我订一束花,下班时候送到,百合)


oregon lilies作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、oregon、lily/1、s等。

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