orientating responses是什么意思 orientating responses的中文翻译、读音、例句

orientating responses是什么意思 orientating responses的中文翻译、读音、例句

orientating responses在中文中有"网络"的意思,还经常被翻译为定向反应,发音是[orientatingresponses],orientating responses常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到46个与orientating responses相关的例句。

Orientating responses的释义


例句:Not all stress responses have advantageous adaptative significance. (并非所有的应激反应都有积极的适应意义。)


例句:What do our responses reveal about us? (我们的反应揭示了关于我们的什么? )


orientating responses一般作为名词使用,如在orientating(v. 朝向( orientate的现在分词 ); 面向; 确定方向; 使适应)、responses(n. 响应回应)、meta orientating(adj. 间位定向的)等常见短语中出现较多。

orientatingv. 朝向( orientate的现在分词 ); 面向; 确定方向; 使适应
responsesn. 响应回应
meta orientatingadj. 间位定向的
orientating action定向作用
orientating functin定位作用
orientating function定位作用
orientating group[化] 定向基; 定位基
orientating line定向线
orientating reaction[医] 朝向反应


1. And then I average the responses, because responses unrelated to taste will average out. (翻译:然后对实验结果去了平均值, 因为那些无关味觉的都可以被平均掉。)

2. I need to monitor his brain activity and conscious responses. (翻译:我需要观察他的大脑活动情况 No... I need to monitor his brain activity 以及清醒时的反应 and conscious responses.)

3. The climate changes in seasons cause different responses from literators. (翻译:春夏秋冬的气候的变化,引起文人各自不同的反应。)

4. Overt and verbalized responses can be divided into answers and replies. (翻译:显性言语应答分为回答句和回应句。)

5. Two screws triggered SEMG responses and were replaced. (翻译:两颗螺钉触发了SEMG反应并取出。)

6. Linguists seem to have different responses to these questions. (翻译:对于这些问题,语言学家们似乎有多种不同的回答。)

7. Sheikh Qaradawi also underlined the need for artistic and media responses. (翻译:格儿达维长也强调了对文艺和媒体反应的需求。)

8. You know I even have a set of perfectly scripted responses to virtually every question that you could ever ask? (翻译:你知道我甚至对于你问的每一个问题都设计了 You know I even have a set of perfectly scripted responses to virtually every question that 很完美的回答吗? you could ever ask?)

9. These differences may elicit different brain responses. (翻译:这些差异可能引起不同的大脑反应。)

10. Epley found no significant gender difference in responses. (翻译:艾普利在回答中没有发现显著的性别差异。)

11. Cytokines are polypeptides, and mediate cellular responses through autocrine and paracrine. (翻译:细胞因子是一类小分子多肽,通过自分泌和旁分泌传递细胞应答。)

12. And we can ask: How similar are the responses across all listeners? (翻译:我们会问: 所有受测听众的反应有多相似呢? )

13. Responses of Groundwater Recharge and Pumpage to Change in Precipitation in Hebei Plain (翻译:地下水补给与开采量对降水变化响应特征:以京津以南河北平原为例)

14. I collected some reviews of the premiere, the responses are all good. (翻译:我截取了一些关于首场演出的报道 反响都很不错)

15. For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users' responses. (翻译:对于口碑媒体而言,这些营销人员扮演着诱发用户回应的角色。)

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