orographic vortex是什么意思 orographic vortex的中文翻译、读音、例句

orographic vortex是什么意思 orographic vortex的中文翻译、读音、例句

orographic vortex的中文解释是"地形涡旋",还有地形涡旋的意思,单词读音音标为[orographicvortex],orographic vortex来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到16个与orographic vortex相关的句子。

Orographic vortex的词典翻译


例句:A general circulation model study of the orographic gravity waves over Antarctica excited by katabatic wind (下吹风激发的南极洲上空地形重力波的大气环流模式研究)


orographic vortex一般作为名词使用,如在orographic(山岳学的 )、orographic anticyclone(地形反气旋)、orographic barriers(地形障碍)等常见短语中出现较多。

orographic anticyclone地形反气旋
orographic barriers地形障碍
orographic berriers地型障碍
orographic cloud地形云
orographic clouds山岳云;[气象] 地形云
orographic condition地形条件,山岳形态条件
orographic convections[网络] 地形对流
orographic cyclone地形气旋


1. When you pull the plug on a sink, it makes a vortex. (翻译:当你将水槽中塞子拔掉时,便会形成一个漩涡。)

2. The experiment approve that the yarn hairiness will be reduced efficiently and the strength will be increased after vortex-nozzle. (翻译:通过实验证明:经过喷嘴络筒,纱线表面毛羽能显著降低而强力反而有所增加,达到预期目标。)

3. The diabatic heating decreased when the vortex moving away from the plateau. (翻译:当低涡远离高原后,非绝热加热减弱。)

4. You get a divorce and now you're meditating and taking trips to a vortex in New Mexico? (翻译:你离婚,你现在在沉思 并制定旅行 在新墨西哥州一个旋涡?)

5. Wind-wave development under alternating wind jets and wakes induced by orographic effects (翻译:在风急流与由于地形影响引起的尾流交替情况下风波发展)

6. The mighty Vortex has been slain by my possession of this small key. (翻译:强大的炫风已被... 我拥有的这个小钥匙除掉)

7. Marine propeller tip vortices are usually strong enough to induce cavitation in the vortex cores. (翻译:螺桨葉尖涡的强度通常足够使其涡旋中心产生空化现象。)

8. Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or to escape the vortex . (翻译:被漩涡困住的生物不能移动,只能随着水元素带着他们跑,除非逃离漩涡。)

9. If Vortex was in Mozambique, perhaps you saw something. (翻译:如果炫风曾在莫三比克 或许你看到蛛丝马迹)

10. See, what happens is, with the Tornado, right, the vortex in which I move my hips, especially with a downward motion, it creates that vortex. (翻译:是因为我们搞起风来了 当我高频率甩动屁股的时候 特别是深入的时候)

11. Extension of an orographic-drag parametrization scheme to incorporate orographic anisotropy and flow blocking (翻译:一个地形拖拽参数方案编入地形各向异性和气流阻塞)

12. This old bank is an original vortex point on the triangular grid designed by the infamous architect of D.C., (翻译:最初是三角格网的中心点 是华盛顿一个名声狼藉的设计师设计的)

13. Focusing properties of the vortex beams with axicon is studied. (翻译:研究了涡旋光束通过轴棱锥聚焦后的聚焦特性。)

14. Focusing properties of the vortex beams with axicon is studied. (翻译:研究了涡旋光束通过轴棱锥聚焦后的聚焦特性。)

15. The catalyzing device is provided with a catalyzing pipe and a vortex catalyzing screw rod. (翻译:催化装置在于有一个催化管和涡流催化螺杆。)

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