ortin是什么意思 ortin的中文翻译、读音、例句

ortin是什么意思 ortin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:That's good! Little tin soldier Happy tin soldier (# Little tin soldier Happy tin soldier ##)





1. Gejiu City, called Tin-Capital, has its long history of Tin mining and production. (翻译:个旧市又被称为“锡都”,拥有悠久的锡矿开采和生产历史。)

2. Critical Condition of Sedimentation and Characterization of TiN Nanograin in Vacuum Arc Reaction (翻译:纳米TiN颗粒在真空电弧反应中沉降的临界条件及其表征)

3. $23.5 with tin. Here is $30. (翻译:$23.5连罐,$30不用找了,多谢 $23.5 with tin.)

4. An Investigation on the TiN Film Prepared by Means of PIII-IBAD (翻译:等离子体浸没式离子注入-离子束增强沉积TiN膜研究)

5. Luckily, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were not troubled by the smell. (翻译:幸运的是,稻草人和铁皮人并不为这气味所困扰。)

6. We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between Al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy. (翻译:我们曾经报告过利用铝电极和锡或锡合金探头之间的烧结现象来实现接触的过程。)

7. Gejiu tin deposit is obviously controlled by faults. (翻译:个旧锡多金属矿床明显受断裂的控制。)

8. Far above the world Planet Earth is blue (翻译:Here I am sitting in a tin can)

9. And hand it off to the nurse. She squirts it into a tin. (翻译:我递给护士针管,她收集骨髓到一个锡袋。)

10. We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy. (翻译:我们曾经报告过利用铝电极和锡或锡合金探头之间的烧结现象来实现接触的过程。)

11. Are we going to the famous Sha Tin Racecourse? (翻译:我们今天不是要去著名的沙田马场嘛? )

12. I beg of you not to referto it as a tin pot little African country. (翻译:我请求您别管它叫做非洲弹丸小国 I beg of you not to referto it as a tin pot little African country.)

13. When I was younger, I was known as a 'Bash Bow' Tin (翻译:想当年 我威震江湖的时候有一招 一拳整包散)

14. Original tin, original tile, original tool. (翻译:瓶瓶罐罐是原来的 瓷砖是原来的 工具也是原来的)

15. Rin Tin Tin was found on the battlefield in World War I in France, brought back to the United States by an American GI. (翻译:任丁丁是在一战期间法国的战场上被一位美国兵发现被带回美国。)

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