ostrya japonica是什么意思 ostrya japonica的中文翻译、读音、例句

ostrya japonica是什么意思 ostrya japonica的中文翻译、读音、例句

ostrya japonica在英语中代表"铁木"的意思,在日常中也代表"铁木"的意思,发音是[ostryajaponica],ostrya japonica常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到41个与ostrya japonica相关的例句。

Ostrya japonica的释义


例句:These markers were independent of each other and polymorphic in either L. japonica or L. longissima or both. (这些标记相互独立,至少在1个物种中呈多态性。)


ostrya japonica一般作为名词使用,如在Ostrya japonica(n. 铁木)、Ostrya([网络] 铁木属)、genus Ostrya([网络] Ostrya属)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ostrya japonican. 铁木
Ostrya[网络] 铁木属
genus Ostrya[网络] Ostrya属
Ostrya carpinifolia[网络] 欧洲铁木
ostrya carpinifolias[网络] 欧洲铁木\n(ostrya carpinifolia 的复数)
Ostrya multinervisn. 多脉铁木
Ostrya rehderianan. 天目铁木
Ostrya virginiana[网络] 美洲铁木;角木
ostrya virginianas[网络] 美洲铁木;角木\n(ostrya virginiana 的复数)
Ostrya yunnanensisn. 云南铁木


1. Relationship Between the Polyphenol Generation and Resistance Against Infection by Acid Decomposing Bacteria in Laminaria japonica (翻译:海带多酚的产生与抗褐藻酸降解菌感染的相关性)

2. Objective to study epidemiologic features and degree of endemicity of Schistosomiasis Japonica in water net region. (翻译:目的了解水网地区日本血吸虫病流行程度及流行特征。)

3. Rice breeders aimed at an integration of desirable characters of both japonica and indica rice types into a single variety. (翻译:水稻育种家的目标是培育综合粳型和籼型稻的理想性状于一体的品种。)

4. The large vascular bundle number of panicle neck internode was higher in Indica cultivars than in Japonica cultivars. (翻译:结果显示,參试品种穗颈节间大维管束數目,籼稻品种比稉稻品种多。)

5. Drought stress affect the form of Phyllitis japonica. (翻译:干旱胁迫对对开蕨形态产生影响。)

6. Flowers of Magnolia liliflora Desr.and leaves of Eriobotrya japonica are important potential resources. (翻译:辛夷花和枇杷叶是重要的潜在资源。)

7. Japonica, you promised me. Did you not promise me? (翻译:杰庞嘉 你答应过我的 你不是答应过我吗?)

8. Distant Nucleo-cytoplasmic Research of Hybrid Rice and Application of Three-line Japonica Hybrid Rice (翻译:杂交水稻质核远缘研究及野败型粳三系的配套和应用)

9. The stability of Chlorophyll in Euonymus japonica under different light, temperature and Oxygen conditions are studied. (翻译:探讨了大叶黄杨叶绿素在不同光、热、氧条件下的稳定性。)

10. Ingredients: Contain natural herb essence such as ginseng, Fomes japonica and liquorice. (翻译:成份:蕴含人参、灵芝、甘草等天然草本精华。)

11. Research for applying annelidan antigen to diagnose Schistosomiasis japonica (翻译:应用环节动物抗原进行日本血吸虫病免疫诊断)

12. Conclusion The different locations and harvest times affect the content of tannin in Rhizoma of Osmunda japonica. (翻译:结论紫萁贯众中鞣质的含量因产地和采收期变化而不同。)

13. Chemical composition and osmotic pressure of seminal plasma of Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita and Anguilla japonica (翻译:美国金鳟和日本鳗鲡精浆的化学组成和渗透压)

14. The spatial construction and distribution of Aphis gossypii and Propylaca japonica at different period were investigated with geostatistics. (翻译:应用地学统计学的原理和方法研究了不同时期棉蚜及龟纹瓢虫种群的空间结构和空间相关性。)

15. Screening of Preemergence Herbicide Based on Spore Stroma of Osmunda japonica Thunb and Study of Its Spore Security Test (翻译:薇菜播孢基质芽前除草剂筛选及对孢子安全性试验研究)

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