out of harmony的中文解释是"协调一致、不",在英美地区还有"和睦融洽"的意思,在线读音是[outofharmony],out of harmony在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到34个与out of harmony相关的例句。
Out of harmony的中文翻译
例句:This is just an exercise in finding harmony, Beca. (这是找到协调性的练习 贝卡 This is just an exercise in finding harmony, Beca.)
例句:Shapes which are of such complication, such harmony and such beauty. (多么复杂、多么和谐、 多么美丽的形状啊。)
例句:And all of us are constantly looking for harmony. (可是我们所有人,自始至终,都在寻找和谐。)
out of harmony一般作为名词使用,如在in harmony(谐; 合拍; 和和睦睦)、in harmony with(与...协调, 与...一致)、economic harmony(经济调谐)等常见短语中出现较多。
in harmony | 谐; 合拍; 和和睦睦 |
in harmony with | 与...协调, 与...一致 |
economic harmony | 经济调谐 |
dominant harmony | 属和声 |
discord harmony | 不协和和声 |
ethnic harmony | 民族和谐 |
extended harmony | 开离和声 |
family harmony | [网络] 和谐的旋律;家庭和睦;家和万事兴 |
functional harmony | 功能协调性 |
1. And all of us are constantly looking for harmony. (翻译:可是我们所有人,自始至终,都在寻找和谐。)
2. Now predator and prey live in harmony. (翻译:Now predator and prey live in harmony. 现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。)
3. In three-part harmony: "Yes, Mom." (翻译:我们仨异口同声道: “听懂了,妈妈。” )
4. Cerene, beautiful places, where disorder became harmony. (翻译:把混乱变为和谐 {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}where disorder became harmony.)
5. If we think harmony as the ultimate mangling aim of Guanzi, moderate and justness are the premise and approach to carry out harmony. (翻译:如果说和谐是《管子》治国的最高目的,那么适度与公平就是实现和谐的前提和途径。)
6. please cover for "law of harmony" exam. (翻译:还有啊 希望康助教帮忙辛苦下 “和音考试”的事情)
7. This design aims for harmony of form and function. (翻译:这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。)
8. Harmony has yielded to discord. (翻译:和谐已经让位给了不和谐。)
9. In and out, in and out, in and out. (翻译:In and out, in and out, in and out.)
10. "Harmony as integration" by Laotse and Chuang Tzu means the harmony of each parts of a machine for normal operation. (翻译:老子、庄子所说的“通为一”,指的就是如何整合一部机器的各个零件,并使其正常运作的协调性而言。)
11. And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out (翻译:∮ And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out)
12. - Harmony and unity, William (翻译:- 和谐而统一 威廉姆 - 衬衣 - Harmony and unity, William.)
13. Try to Analyze the Relation to Hear Notes of Four Part Harmony in Solfege and Hear Discriminate in Harmony (翻译:试析视唱练耳中四部和声听记与和声学中和声听辨之关系)
14. You have totally lost your harmony! (翻译:你们已经完全失去了协调性! You have totally lost your harmony!)
15. And I felt like you were full of inner peace and harmony. (翻译:of inner peace and harmony.)