overall system adjustment是什么意思 overall system adjustment的中文翻译、读音

overall system adjustment是什么意思 overall system adjustment的中文翻译、读音

overall system adjustment的意思是"调整、综合",还经常被翻译为全程,单词读音音标为[overallsystemadjustment],overall system adjustment在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到84个与overall system adjustment相关的例句。

Overall system adjustment的中文翻译


例句:[ indistinct conversations ] (- of the security system? - Yeah, I think so.)


例句:Investment is up by 5.7% after adjustment for inflation. (投资在通货膨胀调整之后增长了5.7%。)


例句:Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. (可能需要调整一下镜头。)


overall system adjustment一般作为名词使用,如在adjustment(调整 )、Draco System(天龙星系)、Eocene System(始新系)等常见短语中出现较多。

Draco System天龙星系
Eocene System始新系
Eogene System古近系
Festoon System[网络] 悬吊配件;电缆滑车;悬吊押扣系统
Firefighting System[网络] 灭火系统;消防系统;消防系统测试记录
Fornax System天炉星系
Galactic System银河系
Huronian System休仑系
Jixianian System蓟县系


1. Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. (翻译:可能需要调整一下镜头。)

2. Stroke adjustment: CW and CCW Infinite adjustment in both directions of rotation. (翻译:行程调节:化学武器和常规武器公约无限在两个方向上的旋转调整。)

3. Now, I tried the Dewey Decimal System (翻译:然后 我试了杜威十进制分类法 Now, I tried the Dewey Decimal System)

4. Mrs. McBing in a panic made a final adjustment: (翻译:麦太太一时心虚 赶忙在塑胶盆落地之前 许了另一个愿望)

5. Geostrophic adjustment is an important process in the atmosphere. (翻译:地转适应过程是大气中的一个重要过程。)

6. The lower layer of the Slumberland Posture Springing System is flexible to absorb every body movement while accommodating each small change in overall weight distribution. (翻译:下层弹簧也采用斯林百兰的袋装连锁睡姿弹簧系统,按照人体体重的分布,可吸收身体每一次转动引起的微小震动。)

7. BBS, the Bulletin Board System, developed only among the students in its early stage. (翻译:BBS System电子布告栏 早期只在学生族群中发展)

8. When the cedant makes an adjustment to the premium, it shall record the amount of adjustment in the profits and losses of the current period. (翻译:再保险分出人调整分出保费时,应当将调整金额计入当期损益。)

9. You would think it would have more juice. (翻译:A. system? 那个系统应该更有料才对 You would think it would have more juice.)

10. Production Logistics System; Purchasing Management; Saling Logistics System; System Performance Evaluation; (翻译:生产物流系统;采购物流;销售物流;系统绩效评价;)

11. Companies have to be happy with mine coal sales adjustment of the rights and specific adjustment then tripartite consultations. (翻译:公司具有对同忻矿井煤炭销售调整的权利,具体调整事宜届时由三方协商解决。)

12. If all else fails, I can always comment out the System. out. println calls. (翻译:如果有什么没通过,我总是可以注释掉System.out.println调用。)

13. So, of course, the individual organisms see nothing of the overall pattern. (翻译:当然 一个有机体 So, of course, the individual organisms 不可能看到 see nothing of the overall pattern.)

14. Many developers use a primitive form of logging: System. out. println and System. err. println. (翻译:许多开发人员使用一种原始格式进行日志记录:System.out.println和System.)

15. All clearance adjustment is manual or motorize. (翻译:所有间隙手动或电动调整。)

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