overcomplacency是什么意思 overcomplacency的中文翻译、读音、例句

overcomplacency是什么意思 overcomplacency的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for complacency. (尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满。)


例句:When the immortal gods take a hand in the matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. (当不朽的众神干预此事时,我怀着心满意足的心情观察结局。)


1. Your complacency will never solve this case. (翻译:警察的这种天下太平的心态 是绝对破不了这个案件的哦)

2. The air better over there? (翻译:The air better over there?)

3. Keeps happening over and over again. (翻译:反复出现好几次了 Keeps happening over and over again.)

4. You're the one building these lhermaes and leading Rome on a path of weakness and complacency! (翻译:你才是罪孽深重 打造浴场瘫痪人民斗志 将罗马导引向灭亡之路)

5. "Lay your leg over me Over me..." (翻译:# 快骑到我身上来... # # Lay your leg over me Over me... #)

6. Over and over again that day, People from the beta test at craft (翻译:那天 参加CRAFT试用的 Over and over again that day,)

7. This is opposite to what I think of (a little unkindly) as the 'spirituality is complacency' line of argument. (翻译:这和我想的东西是相对的,如“精神是自我满足”的观点。)

8. It's a slippery slope from acceptance to complacency, and I am not a fan of complacency because it leads to stupidity and obesity. (翻译:{\fnFZHei -B01S\3cH2F2F2F}而我也不追求自我满足 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and I am not a fan of complacency {\fnFZHei)

9. The age of the sheikhs is over. (翻译:The age of the sheikhs is over. Over!)

10. Before the sun is over the yardarm? (翻译:Before the sun is over the yardarm?)

11. Miss, please come over here! (翻译:please come over here!)

12. "It is not the right time for complacency, " Mr Caruana told the Financial Times. (翻译:卡如纳告诉英国《金融时报》:“现在不是自满的时候。”)

13. OFFICER [OVER SPEAKER]: Driver, pull the car over. (翻译:OFFlCER [OVER SPEAKER]:)

14. The next thing I know, he's beating me to death. (翻译:this is all over money?)

15. To the railroad yards over there. (翻译:To the railroad yards over there.)

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