overbank deposits是什么意思 overbank deposits的中文翻译、读音、例句

overbank deposits是什么意思 overbank deposits的中文翻译、读音、例句

overbank deposits的中文解释是"溢岸堆积物",还经常被翻译为溢岸堆积物,读音为[overbankdeposits],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到99个与overbank deposits相关的句子。

Overbank deposits的翻译


例句:Inflows andoutflows of deposits occur continuously. (存款向内与向外流动不间断发生。)


overbank deposits一般作为名词使用,如在overbank(大坡度转弯, 倾斜过度, 河滩)、deposits(金融 存款 地质 沉积物 的复数 订金,地质 沉积 的单三形式 存储 付保证金)、overbank contraction(河滩压缩)等常见短语中出现较多。

overbank大坡度转弯, 倾斜过度, 河滩
deposits金融 存款 地质 沉积物 的复数 订金,地质 沉积 的单三形式 存储 付保证金
overbank contraction河滩压缩
overbank deposit【地质学】泛滥平原沉积物,漫滩泥沙
overbank depsit越岸堆积
overbank flood溢岸泛滥
overbank splay漫滩冲积扇
overbank storage漫滩蓄水量
overbank superheater于管束上的过热器


1. It needs to be adjusted for any unpresented cheques or unrecorded deposits. (翻译:需要针对任何未出示的支票或未记录的存款进行调整。)

2. Unified Exploration Planning and Development Fruits for Pengshan Glauberite Deposits in Sichuan (翻译:四川彭山钙芒硝矿统一规划勘探和开发之成效)

3. The bulk of Vulcanian deposits are fine grained ash. (翻译:大部分火山岩矿床为细粒灰岩。)

4. Uranium deposits, therefore, are distributed mainly in diwa. (翻译:因此,铀矿化主要分布于地洼系。)

5. We gotta do certificates of deposits. (翻译:我给你做存单 We gotta do certificates of deposits.)

6. The gold deposits related to the alkali rich porphyry is a new discovered type of the gold deposits in western Yunnan. The typical deposits are Beiya and Machangqing gold deposits etc. (翻译:与富碱斑岩有关的金矿床是云南省新发现的金矿类型,典型矿床有北衙、马厂箐金矿等。)

7. It is of significance in the improvement of prospecting efficiency and in searching endogenetic deposits. (翻译:进而,为在该区进一步深入找矿及寻找其它内生矿床提供一项新的研究途径。)

8. Our country abounds in oil deposits. (翻译:我国有丰富的石油储藏。)

9. The various types of glaciolacustrine deposits are as follow: beach deposits, shallow-water deposits, still-water deposits and glacio-fluvial delta deposits. (翻译:主要沉积类型有:湖滩沉积、浅水沉积、静水沉积和冰川三角洲沉积。)

10. Fake certificates of deposits. (翻译:Fake certificates of deposits.)

11. The layer cake of flood deposits was slowly buried and turned into rock by heat and pressure. (翻译:像夹心蛋糕一样的洪水沉积层 逐渐被掩埋 The layer cake of flood deposits was slowly buried 在温度和压力的作用下 变为岩石 and turned into rock by heat and pressure.)

12. All the other candidates lost their deposits. (翻译:所有其余候选人都失掉了竞选保证金。)

13. Deposits may be back in fashion, but they are not for the faddish. (翻译:储户可能会涌入潮流,但是他们并不是为了追赶潮流。)

14. The thickness of subtidal deposits and tidal-flat deposits can be used to estimate water depth and tidal range. (翻译:上浅旋回中的潮下带沉积和潮坪沉积的厚度可用来推测古水深和潮差。)

15. The mineral crystal Yaogangxian in ore deposits, but also often found with numerous skarn deposits, metallogenic conditions are excellent, so the development of mineral crystal perfection. (翻译:瑶岗仙的矿晶以脉状矿床为主,但也经常伴随发现为数众多的矽卡岩型矿床,均具备极佳的成矿条件,因此矿物晶体发育完美。)

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