overdemand是什么意思 overdemand的中文翻译、读音、例句

overdemand是什么意思 overdemand的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. 英语:The demand for organic food has overpowered the supply.


2. 法语:La demande pour les billets de concert dépasse largement l'offre.


3. 西班牙语:La demanda de productos electrónicos está sobrepasando la oferta.


4. 德语:Die Nachfrage nach sauberem Trinkwasser ist derzeit höher als das Angebot.


5. 俄语:Спрос на детские игрушки превышает предложение.


6. 日语:需要を上回る注文が来ました。





例句:Life will demand it of you. (生活需要你如此 Life will demand it of you.)


例句:OFFICER [OVER SPEAKER]: Driver, pull the car over. (OFFlCER [OVER SPEAKER]:)


例句:You have to get the heart, then all of this will be over. (then all of this will be over.)


1. You have to get the heart, then all of this will be over. (翻译:then all of this will be over.)

2. Over mountains and forests and seas (翻译:Over mountains and forests and seas)

3. In the name of the goddess, Anisette, I demand audience with Orin Tuck! (翻译:I demand audience with Orin Tuck!)

4. To the railroad yards over there. (翻译:To the railroad yards over there.)

5. Shit, HK is over-populated (翻译:HK is over -populated)

6. The next thing I know, he's beating me to death. (翻译:this is all over money?)

7. From here, electricity would become available on demand. (翻译:从此,电能被人类掌控 From here, electricity would become available on demand.)

8. Now I demand the power of immortality! (翻译:现在我要求不死的力量! Now I demand the power of immortality!)

9. So keep doing this over and over and over until we get somebody else. (翻译:So keep doing this 一直到我们发现其他人为止 over and over and over until we get somebody else.)

10. You know, on the market now there's a high demand for Prince Charming and an over supply of Cinderella (翻译:但你知道 市场上... 王子质素的人实在太少了 灰姑娘则到处都是)

11. "Lay your leg over me Over me..." (翻译:# 快骑到我身上来... # # Lay your leg over me Over me... #)

12. A tiger over here, a crane over there! (翻译:这边虎 这边鹤 A tiger over here, a crane over there!)

13. You've got this demand over here that has money. (翻译:这边既有需求又有着大把的钞票 不要尝试着卖给没钱的小孩;他们付不起钱,找有钱人做生意吧 )

14. Miss, please come over here! (翻译:please come over here!)

15. Because of what, what kinda family she comes from? (翻译:you demand people judge you 你这倒好,现在就不想搭理她了?)

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