overgrazings是什么意思 overgrazings的中文翻译、读音、例句

overgrazings是什么意思 overgrazings的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:If the SSR has it, it's in the right hands. (如果我们战略科研署有的话 我们会保管妥当的 If the S. S. R.)


例句:The isearch-forward-regexp and isearch-backward-regexp functions are typically bound to the M-S-s and M-S-r keystrokes. (isearch-forward-regexp 和 isearch-backward-regexp 功能通常绑定到 M-S-s 和 M-S-r 键盘输入。)


1. Each herdsman captures all the benefit from an extra animal but the cost of overgrazing is borne by all. (翻译:对每个牧民来说,多放牧一头牲口带来的好处都归自己所有,而过度放牧的成本则有所有牧民一起承担。)

2. As T.S. Eliot puts it... (翻译:正如T.S.艾略特所说… )

3. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)

4. In addition to the A330-200s on their way out, SAA currently operates 17 737-800s, 11 A319s, six A340-300s and nine A340-600s. (翻译:除了将要淘汰的A330 - 220s,南非航空目前运营17架737 - 800s、11架A319s、6架A340 - 300s、9架A340 - 600s。)

5. # This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (翻译:# This w -word s -so s)

6. Magician searched for a white rooster for a very long time, (翻译:魔术师找了很久白色的公鸡 Le magicien, il a cherché le coq blanc très très très longtemps.)

7. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)

8. This is the S.S. Great Western that he built to take care of the second half of that journey. (翻译:这就是他建造的S.S大西部铁路 连接旅程的第二段。)

9. You will get your throat slit just like chickens! (翻译:Vous allez mourir égorgés!)

10. That makes me Brittany S. Pierce. (翻译:全名是 布里特妮・S・皮尔斯 That makes me Brittany S.)

11. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

12. I-I don't mean to bother you, but we're just really big fans of Firefly. (翻译:先... Hi, excuse me, s... s...)

13. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

14. Your 9/11s, your 7/7s, are what my people suffer on a daily basis around the world. (翻译:你们的 9/11s, 你们的 7/7s, 正像我的族人 日日煎熬的地域)

15. The Rozenthals are educated people. (翻译:Les Rosenthal sont les gens cultivés,)



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