packet sequencing是什么意思 packet sequencing的中文翻译、读音、例句

packet sequencing是什么意思 packet sequencing的中文翻译、读音、例句

packet sequencing通常被翻译为"包定序、计"的意思,还有包排序的意思,单词读音音标为[packetsequencing],packet sequencing是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到60个与packet sequencing相关的例句。

Packet sequencing的释义


例句:Cloning and Sequencing of Pili Gene of D. Nodosus Serotype A in Footrot (腐蹄病A型节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析)


例句:Packet by Packet Layer 3 switching technology inspectoscope every Packet, intransit to destination. (报文到报文的第三层交换技术检查每一个报文并将报文转发到其目的地。)


例句:Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of the gB Gene for ILTV Vaccine Strain (鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒疫苗株gB基因的克隆与序列测定)


packet sequencing一般作为名词使用,如在sequencing([计] 排序; 定序)、dideoxy sequencing(【分子生物学】双脱氧序列测定)、directed sequencing([医]定向测序(分))等常见短语中出现较多。

sequencing[计] 排序; 定序
dideoxy sequencing【分子生物学】双脱氧序列测定
directed sequencing[医]定向测序(分)
DNA sequencingDNA序列测定
flow sequencing流程定序
gene sequencing【遗传学】基因序列调整
genome sequencing[网络] 基因组测序;基因序列分析;基因定序
graphic sequencing图解顺序
graphical sequencingun. 图解顺序


1. Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of the gB Gene for ILTV Vaccine Strain (翻译:鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒疫苗株gB基因的克隆与序列测定)

2. So I started sequencing by myself. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}所以我开始手动测序DNA了 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}So I started sequencing by myself.)

3. Of what packet are you speaking, Danglars? (翻译:你说的是一包什么东西,腾格拉尔? )

4. He went out to buy a packet of cigarettes. (翻译:他出去买了一包香烟。)

5. Cloning and Sequencing of a Alkaline Pectate Lyase Gene (翻译:碱性果胶裂解酶基因的克隆及核苷酸序列分析)

6. It is comprised of packet and con - tainer, between which is filled with high quality impregnant. the packet of capacitor is welded with cooling conduit for its cooling. (翻译:电热电容器主要由芯子和箱壳组成,其间充满优质的浸渍剂,芯子焊有冷却水管供电容器冷却用。)

7. Can you give this packet to Kit tonight at 9 (翻译:这包东西 今天晚上九点以前 你一定要替我交给阿杰)

8. It's 1 00 taels in each packet (翻译:你不知道 这每一个红包里头都是一百两银票)

9. And every time they do that, they get a tiny little packet of energy. (翻译:每当它们这样做的时候,都会得到一点点能量 )

10. So Oxford Nanopore has also been looking at an alternative approach, called exonuclease sequencing, in conjunction with Illumina, an American firm that is the market leader in rapid sequencing. (翻译:所以“牛津纳米孔公司”,和快速测序领域的领头羊,“Illumina公司”也在一同研究一种叫做“核酸外切酶测序”的办法。)

11. Cloning, Sequencing Analysis on GHRH Gene on Yak (翻译:牦牛生长激素释放激素基因的克隆及序列分析)

12. The second question is, does the sequencing of the download matter? (翻译:第二问题 这些应用程序需要注重下载顺序吗 )

13. It has the potential to greatly accelerate and democratize gene sequencing. (翻译:它有可能极大地加快基因测序的速度和普及程度。)

14. And every time they do that, they get a tiny little packet of energy. (翻译:每当它们这样做的时候,都会得到一点点能量)

15. In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated. (翻译:每个包里都有成捆的信件,大部分都是未标注日期的。)

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