paint peeling是什么意思 paint peeling的中文翻译、读音、例句

paint peeling是什么意思 paint peeling的中文翻译、读音、例句

paint peeling在中文中有"涂漆层剥皮"的意思,在英美地区还有"涂漆层剥皮"的意思,发音是[peint ˈpi:liŋ],paint peeling是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到87个与paint peeling相关的句子。

Paint peeling的翻译


例句:You cover the Israelis like paint. (所有以色列人都在你们的严密监控之下 You cover the Israelis like paint.)


paint peeling一般作为名词使用,如在peeling(n. 剥皮, 剥下的皮\n[医] 去皮, 脱屑)、flame peeling(火焰去皮)、friction peeling(摩擦去皮)等常见短语中出现较多。

peelingn. 剥皮, 剥下的皮\n[医] 去皮, 脱屑
flame peeling火焰去皮
friction peeling摩擦去皮
fruit peeling果实去皮机
hand peeling人工去皮[法],人工去壳[法]
infrared peeling[网络] 红外线去皮
lye peeling[网络] 硷液去皮;碱液去皮
mechanical peeling坯料机械化修整
orange peeling油漆皱皮


1. Please darken the blue paint with black paint. (翻译:请在蓝漆里掺上点黑漆。)

2. In the respect of loss weight, with the increased corrosivity in solution, concrete samples lose more weight, with HPC and NHPC samples mainly peeling cement paste, and WHPC samples peeling coating. (翻译:质量变化方面,各试件质量损失随着溶液腐蚀性的增强而增大,HPC和NHPC主要是水泥浆的剥落,WHPC是涂层的剥落。)

3. You know, just in case the paint was too subtle. (翻译:以免漆薄了让人认出原形 You know, just in case the paint was too subtle.)

4. One of the kids was peeling plaster off the wall. (翻译:其中一个孩子在剥墙上的灰泥。)

5. One of her sons was diagnosed with lead poisoning when he was a toddler; he apparently was exposed from peeling paint. (翻译:她的其中一个儿子在他还是孩子的被诊断为铅中毒;他显然处在油漆脱落的环境中。)

6. However, the Snotz and Grotz are allowed to paint their faces with black paint. (翻译:不过小菜头和小鬼们被允许把自己的脸涂成黑色。)

7. Tapping into that aggression requires peeling back several layers of yourself. (翻译:而要击中要害 你们自己得先脱几层皮 Tapping into that aggression requires peeling back several layers of yourself.)

8. Paint fumes in PI must be getting to you. (翻译:但你一定要刷墙的 {\3cH202020}Paint fumes in PI must be getting to you.)

9. Their skin, he says, "was like a grayish color, and it was like dripping, or peeling, like the skin was peeling off their body. " (翻译:他回忆道,他们的皮肤“呈一种灰色,像要脱落或剥离下来的样子,像是要从他们的全身剥离下来。”)

10. But in her office, there's this old wooden, weather-worn table, kitchen table -- peeling green paint, it's kind of rickety. (翻译:但在她的办公室里 有一张历经沧桑的旧木头桌子,餐桌 -- 上面的油漆都掉了,还摇摇晃晃的)

11. How did you get paint in your eye? (翻译:你眼睛里怎么进颜料的? How did you get paint in your eye?)

12. I stared at the peeling paint on the ceiling. (翻译:我盯着天花板上剥落的油漆。)

13. How long does it take you to paint one of these? (翻译:你创作一幅画要多久 How long does it take you to paint one of these?)

14. Vista still ships with the cruddy picture editor, Paint. (翻译:Vista依旧使用透光不均匀的图片编辑器Paint。)

15. The main products are: the decoration paint, furniture paint, distempers Mastics, interior wall paint, curing agent, such as industrial paint. (翻译:主要产品有:装修漆、家具漆、硝基漆、内墙漆、原子灰、固化剂、工业漆等。)

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