palache是什么意思 palache的中文翻译、读音、例句

palache是什么意思 palache的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The formidable shadow of Che would disappear on October 8, 1967. (切的可怕阴影 The formidable shadow of Che 将消失于xx年xx月xx日。would disappear on October 8, 1967.)


例句:Not only Che Kung, but also Wong Tai Sin said the semblable answer. (不论是车公,抑或黄大仙,他们的答案也是类似的。)


1. But a cunning man like Che Kang will surely set traps before he comes. (翻译:但是以车刚的为人 他来的时候一定有一番的准备)

2. Such objections are mostly nonsense, says Ulrich muller of CHE, a think-tank. (翻译:智囊团CHE里的Ulrich muller说,这些反对大多是胡扯。)

3. Rodolfo could never run out of breath like this on che giova. (翻译:鲁道夫可能永远不会用完 呼吸像这样的车giova。)

4. And all that remains of Che is the myth and the merchandise. (翻译:然后,关于格瓦拉,剩下的只有神话和买卖了。)

5. Because Pala and Al's emphasis is on Tantra in relationships, both beginners and skilled Tantric practitioners will find value here. (翻译:由于帕拉和基地的重点是密宗的关系,无论是初学者和熟练的密宗从业人员会发现这里的价值。)

6. My mother at her mirror in my parents' room (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫妈妈端坐在镜子前♫)

7. We made the perfect picture of the clever couple (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫你我是天造地设 难舍难分♫)

8. Comrade Monje... ... yourjobandthe party'sjobisto make it clear to the people that Che... (翻译:你现在所作和你为党所作的会清晰的告诉切的人民)

9. Does he still have his blonde streak? (翻译:他还是一头金发 Il a toujours sa mèche blonde?)

10. No, "Che" in Argentina means "hey." (翻译:ぃ琌罢ち 琌糑种 - 秆)

11. What good is the morning dew if my undies aren't in the dresser'? (翻译:怎么可以欣赏晨露... Che senso avrà la rugiada al mattino... ...要是内裤不在床头柜上?)

12. Che: Actually, it is not a private cuisine. It is a restaurant located upstairs in Wanchai. (翻译:车婉婉:其实不是私房菜,是酒家,要上楼,在湾仔。)

13. If we catch her, we'll have Che-San by the neck. (翻译:只要抓住这个女人 就如同抓住郑彩山咽喉一样)

14. This is online map of the address "Dan Che Xiang Nan Dan Che Cun , Pingshun County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国山西省长治市平顺县耽车乡南耽车村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

15. Oh, come on, Babou, leave me alone. (翻译:Tu demandes. 巴布 放开我 Babou, lâche)



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