pales ales是什么意思 pales ales的中文翻译、读音、例句

pales ales是什么意思 pales ales的中文翻译、读音、例句

pales ales通常被翻译为"麦酒"的意思,在日常中也代表"一种浅颜色的啤酒"的意思,在线发音:[palesales],pales ales是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到80个与pales ales相关的例句。

Pales ales的释义


例句:But our academic skills gap pales next to the neglect of character and civic education that we have allowed to develop. (们也忽视了品格和公民教育并任由这种情况发展下去,而我们的学术技能脱节与之相比简直是小巫见大巫。)


例句:And to realize that this is just the tip of an iceberg that when you compare everything here to South Africa, it just pales, because in South Africa, each year 300,000 mothers with HIV give birth to children. (想一想这只是冰山一角, 因此, 当你拿这里所发生的一切 与南非相比, 都显得不值一提, 因为,在南非, 每年就有30万携带艾滋病病毒的母亲 临产.)


pales ales一般作为名词使用,如在pales(v. 变得苍白, 失色, 变得暗淡( pale的第三人称单数 ))、ginger ales(na. 姜麦酒\n[网络] 姜汁啤酒)、light ales([英国英语](一种酒精含量较低的)淡啤酒 [亦作 pale ale])等常见短语中出现较多。

palesv. 变得苍白, 失色, 变得暗淡( pale的第三人称单数 )
ginger alesna. 姜麦酒\n[网络] 姜汁啤酒
light ales[英国英语](一种酒精含量较低的)淡啤酒 [亦作 pale ale]
old ales[网络] 老式强麦酒
pale alesna. “pale”的变体\n[网络] 苍白强麦酒;淡色爱尔型啤酒
real ales[网络] 真麦啤酒;啤酒
red ales[网络] 红啤酒
pales javana印尼寄蝇
pales townsendi唐生寄蝇


1. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, engineers, mathematicians and hackers... in this auditorium pales in comparison to even the most basic a.I. (翻译:在座的所有神经科学家 工程师, 数学家 甚至黑客... 把你们的专业全部加总... 也敌不过最低阶的人工智能计算机)

2. And to realize that this is just the tip of an iceberg that when you compare everything here to South Africa, it just pales, because in South Africa, each year 300,000 mothers with HIV give birth to children. (翻译:想一想这只是冰山一角, 因此, 当你拿这里所发生的一切 与南非相比, 都显得不值一提, 因为,在南非, 每年就有30万携带艾滋病病毒的母亲 临产. )

3. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. (翻译:这一切都不重要 因为我的船又不见了,明白吗?)

4. A port, Ronnie, and two ales for my friends. (翻译:给我杯酒 我迫不及待的想见到你们这些朋友)

5. From a brewer's perspective, its behavior was schizophrenic: It began like a yeast used in ales, floating at the top. (翻译:以一个酿酒师的角度来看,这是个令人精神分裂的表现:开始时,它的表现就像是用于麦芽的酵母,飘浮在顶端。)

6. Established in 1997 and located in Cooperstown, NY, Brewery Ommegang specializes in Belgian-style ales, including BPA, Hennepin, wheat, and amber ales among other regular and seasonal brews. (翻译:成立于xx年,位于纽约州古柏,Ommegang啤酒厂专门在比利时风格的啤酒,包括双酚A,平县,小麦,和其他经常性及季节性啤酒之间的琥珀啤酒。)

7. Yet each pales to insignificance with the completion of that magnificent accomplishment of twenty-first-century technology, the Digital Superhighway. (翻译:每一个都显得苍白和没有意义 完成的时候都成为这些21世纪华丽的技术 信息高速公路 )

8. Licensed to sell Ales and Spirits. (翻译:准许销售啤酒与烈性酒。)

9. But no nation, anywhere, brews more different kinds of beer, probably 100 varieties of lagers and pilsners, ales and porters and stouts. (翻译:但没有任何国家、任何地方,能够酿造不同种类的啤酒,比尔森啤酒,浓啤酒,波特黑啤酒及烈性黑啤酒等可能有100种。)

10. This may seem like a lot of money, but it pales in comparison to the $35 billion spent on caring for persons with ASD in the US each year. (翻译:看上去钱的数目很多,但是跟每年花在照顾美国孤独症患者的350亿美元相比,则显得苍老无力。)

11. Yet each pales to insignificance with the completion of that magnificent accomplishment of twenty-first-century technology, the Digital Superhighway. (翻译:每一个都显得苍白和没有意义 完成的时候都成为这些21世纪华丽的技术 信息高速公路)

12. But that potential pales beside the never-ending demand for crop-based fuels. (翻译:但与对农作物燃料永无止境的需求相比,这种潜力就显得微不足道了。)

13. VB1 inhibited to some extent the formation of advanced lipoxidation end products(ALEs) induced by MDA addition to proteins. (翻译:VB1在一定程度上抑制了蛋白羰基含量的增加。)

14. 1,400 years later, in 1910, anthropologist Ales Hrdlicka came to Cahuachi to study the ancient Nazca civilization. (翻译:xx年后 在xx年 人类学家Ales Hrdlicka 来到卡华齐 研究古代纳斯卡文明)

15. ... thegroupthatkilledthemselves here pales in comparison. (翻译:再怎么样,都觉得在这边自杀的 家伙们相形之下失色许多)


pales ales作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、pale、ale/1、s等。

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