marmalady是什么意思 marmalady的中文翻译、读音、例句

marmalady是什么意思 marmalady的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:And each one of the Chinese names starts with the same character and that's the character for Mar meaning... (而每一个中国名字都用同样的字母开始。那个字母是古叙利亚语的Mar, 意思...)


例句:It was not the custom for elderly people to mar the picnics with their presence. (大人们照例不参加野餐,免得扫兴。)


1. I know you'll go now, Maria, for both of us, because we love each other always. (翻译:我也走这条路. 我知道你现在也会走,María, 为了我们俩 因为我们都爱着对方)

2. - Tell Sordo I'm coming with Ingles! (翻译:- María! - 告诉Sordo,我要带老外来了)

3. No, the malady of which I speak is known as "senioritis" . (翻译:不,以上所说的那些都不是,我所提到的病被称作“毕业倦怠症”。)

4. Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket helicopters. (翻译:额外的导航设备在美国xx月-酮直升机可选的。)

5. Conclusion The parameter of platelet are important consult of judgment malady, injury of heart, liver nephridium and platelet count was correlation. (翻译:结论血小板参数是判断疾病的重要参考指标,肝、肾、心脏器损伤程度与血小板计数具有相关性。)

6. Across the river is a wide-open town - Del Mar Falls. (翻译:在河对面有一个大开门户的小镇 -戴尔马瀑布)

7. Virginia Acosta, from Vina del Mar, has requested Jeanette's "Why Are You Leaving?" (翻译:来自维尼亚德尔玛的维吉尼亚·阿科斯塔 点播珍妮特的歌曲《因为你要走了》)

8. You cannot mar the bright and perfect flower that will be my child. (翻译:你不能破坏明亮和完善 花,这将是我的孩子。)

9. After opposing to the malady a taciturn resistance for a day or two, he was obliged to keep in his chamber. (翻译:他同疾病不声不响地对抗了一两天后,不得不待在屋里,不能出来。)

10. He stopped, blushed, then continued low and sadly, "Ah, my malady persecuteth me again, and my mind wandereth." (翻译:他停了下来,涨红了脸,然后继续低沉而悲伤地说:“啊,我的病又来折磨我了,我精神错乱了。” )

11. He found others with the same malady, and together they set out to make fools of themselves, but not in the ordinary way of adolescents. (翻译:他发现了和他一样有着这样的毛病的人,于是他们一起开始愚弄他们自己,但是用的不是一般青少年的常规方式。)

12. That malady is not the dreaded H1N1 virus, nor bronchitis, appendicitis, or tonsillitis. (翻译:这种病并不是可怕的H1N1病毒,也不是支气管炎,不是急性阑尾炎,更不是扁桃体炎。)

13. She had been ailing for quite a long time, and we did not even know when her malady had taken a fatal turn. (翻译:她病了很久,我们甚至都不知道她的病是什么时候转为绝症的。)

14. The Exhibiton started from Mar. 28 and will last 10 days until Apr. (翻译:展览从xx月xx日开始,至xx月xx日结束,历时10天。)

15. Because here in Mar del Plata we are digging the grave of the FTAA! (翻译:因为我们要在马德普拉塔 为帝国主义列强挖坟墓!)

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