mephistoes是什么意思 mephistoes的中文翻译、读音、例句

mephistoes是什么意思 mephistoes的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:One of my Twitter friends can type only with his toes. (我在Twitter上的一位朋友 只能用脚趾打字)


例句:♪ Throw my toes in the sand ♪ (Throw my toes in the sand)


1. Your toes look nice, Gramma. (翻译:奶奶,你的脚趾真好看。)

2. His feet were toeless except for two toes on one foot. (翻译:他的一只脚是没有脚趾的,另一只脚只有两个脚趾。)

3. Black pencilling is allowed on the toes. (翻译:允许在脚趾上出现黑色铅笔纹。)

4. He wiggled his toes. He took his sneakers out of his pack and put them on. Annie put hers on, too. (翻译:他活动着他的脚趾,从书包里把他的旅游鞋拿了出来,然后穿上,安妮也穿上了她的旅游鞋。)

5. If requested, a service with the request-response MEP will return a reply 3. (翻译:如果需要,request - response MEP服务将返回一个响应信息3。)

6. And I'll die alone with nine toes. (翻译:而且我还会伴着剩下的九个脚趾头孤独地死去)

7. Colugos are even webbed between their toes. (翻译:鼯猴的趾间甚至都有膜。)

8. ♪ Touch your toes, touch your toes, touch your toes... ♪ (翻译:触摸你的脚趾,摸摸你的 脚趾头,触摸你的脚趾...)

9. But as long as he crouches, and skulks, and shirks his work, every creature that has weight will be treading on his toes, and- crushing him; (翻译:但只要他们蹲下、溜走和逃避工作,每一个有重量的生灵都会踏上他们脚趾,碾碎他。)

10. Paralysis had closed over his body slowly, beginning in his toes, then legs, torso, fingers and arms. (翻译:渐渐的,他全身瘫痪 先是脚趾,然后大腿 躯体,再是手指,臂膊 )

11. Tippy Toes put on his best coat and cap and kissed his mother good-bye. (翻译:歪脚趾穿上他最好的外套,戴上他最好的帽子,和妈妈吻别了。)

12. Adoni-Bezek fled, but they chased him and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and big toes. (翻译:亚多尼比色逃跑。他们追赶,拿住他,砍断他手脚的大姆指。)

13. I recognised them because he and his son had henna on their toes. (翻译:他和他儿子都涂了指甲油,所以我能认出来。)

14. Why do girls put rings on their toes? (翻译:- 是啊 - 为什么女孩子们要在脚趾上套环呢)

15. I could see his smooth soles just waiting, his soles creasing and toes flexing from the treatment he was getting on his legs. (翻译:我可以只是看见他的平滑脚掌等候,他的脚掌折痕和足趾从他正在上他的腿部治疗屈曲。)



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